Ch 2 Drunk

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Jennie grabs her books from her locker while lisa and chae wait for her.

"So are we going to this party tonight or what?" Lisa asks.

"I don't know. It's up to you guys honestly." Jennie says.

"I think it'll be fun." Chae shrugs.

"Where's Jisoo?" Lisa asks.

"Right here." Jisoo says coming from behind them. "What's up?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to go to the party tonight." Lisa explains.

"Sure why not." Jisoo shrugs.


Later on they went to the game room to hang out. Jisoo and Lisa were having a dance battle on the Wii. Lisa was obviolsly winning but that didn't stop Jisoo from having fun.

Chaeng and Jennie were having a conversation on the couch, sometimes giggling at Jisoo and Lisa's odd dance moves.

"Do you like her?" Chae says noticing the way Jennie stares.

"Who? Jisoo? What? No." Jennie rambles.

"Um...I think you do." Chae says trying not to laugh. "You don't have to hide it unnie. Honestly I think she likes you too."

Jennie sighs. "You're right. I do like her. But don't tell her!!" Jennie begs.

"I won't. But you're both so obvious." Chae laughs.

They look over when Lisa burst into laughter. Jisoo is doing a weird dance while balancing a water bottle on her head.


They walk into the party and are immediately handed drinks. Lisa and Chaeng head to the dance floor leaving Jisoo and Jennie.

Jennie grabs Jisoo's hand and pulls her outside to the patio. They decide to play beer pong against Yeri and Irene.

"Go Jisoo unnie!" Jennie cheers a little tipsy.

Jisoo takes her shot and sinks it into the cup.

"WHOOO!" Everyone cheers.

Yeri chugs the glass and slams it into the table.

"Bring it on." Jisoo smirks.

The ball flies into the air and bounces into the cup. Jisoo shrugs and finishes the cup.

"Alright Jennie your turn." Jisoo cheers.

"Watch and learn bitches." Jennie smirks.

She lines up her shot and closes her eyes. With the flick of her wrist she sinks the last shot in.

"OHHHH!!" Everyone cheers.

Irene finishes the last drink with a slam of the cup. They high five each other and head back inside to find Lisa and Chae.

They find them in the living room watching a spin the bottle game.

"Hey! Jennie Kim join the game!" Lee Hanbin waves over.

Jennie smiles and shakes her head no.

"Oh cmon. You're no fun." He teases.


"Just one spin!" He pleas.

"Alright fine!" She laughs.

Jisoo takes a seat next to Hanbin as Jennie walks into the circle to spin the bottle. She gives it a good spin causing it to go for awhile.

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