Ch 9 Got your Back

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A/N: The photo of Jisoo up above makes me weak in the knees.  P.s only a touch of drama
Jisoo sighs as she flops onto the bed. She was exhausted after an emotionally draining day. Jennie was in the shower while Jisoo settles into bed. She was beyond tired but she couldn't fall asleep without Jennie.


"Psst are you awake?" Chaeng whispers.

They were laying in complete darkness but she couldn't fall asleep.

"Yeah, are you?" Lisa whispers back staring at the ceiling.

"...You do know that I was the one who said that right?"

Sometimes she wondered if lisa actually thought before she spoke.

"Shut up and cuddle with me." Lisa giggles.

Chaeng happily cuddles into her arms and sighs. Cuddling was her favourite thing to do, it took the stress of the day away.

"Do you think Jisoo unnie will be okay?" She whispers.

"Yes. Unnie is strong and she has Jennie unnie, us, and Bangtan to make sure she is okay." Lisa whispers.

"Do you think Sohun is behind all of this?"

"I don't know. It's possible and I wouldn't put it past her." Lisa says.

"I just wish they'd leave us alone."

"I know baby me too." Lisa mumbles on the verge of sleep.

"Go to sleep babe. Love you." Chaeng whispers.

"Mmm love you too." Lisa whispers kissing her head.


Jennie settles under the covers next to Jisoo and wraps her arms around her as the big spoon this time.

"Why are you still awake?"Jennie mumbles against her head.

"I was waiting for you." Jisoo whispers.

"Go to sleep babe, you need rest." She says kissing her head.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Jennie wakes up hearing mumbles next to her. She looks at the clock as it flashes 4:30, Jisoo is next to her mumbling her name with her eyebrows furrowed, tossing and turning.

"Please... no...Jennie...Jennie help." She mumbles as she starts to shake.

Jennie realized she was having a terrible nightmare so she softly strokes her cheek in attempt to wake her. She kisses Jisoo's forehead repeatedly.

"Jisoo...Jisoo you're having a nightmare. Wake up, it's just a nightmare." She says.

Jisoo's eyes pop open as she hugs Jennie for dear life and sobs into her chest.

"Shhh it's okay, Everything is going to be okay." Jennie whispers stroking her head.

She holds Jisoo until she calms down, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. "I love you. No one will hurt you anymore."

She shifts them so that Jisoo is cuddled into her chest as she rubs her back. This eventually made Jisoo fall asleep again, calming Jennie down.

She hated to see her girlfriend in pain and wanted to put an end to it as soon as possible. She let out a sigh and fell asleep soon after.

When she woke up again it was time for school, Jisoo was already up it seemed as the shower was running and the sheets were cold.

She sighed and got out of bed. She opened the door to the bathroom and started to brush her teeth. The glass on the showers were fogged up but she could still make out the shape of Jisoo's body through the blur.

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