Ch 15 Surprise!

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Song Rec: IOI-Downpour, cause I miss them :'(
Jisoo is busy packing her bag for the trip, when Jennie walks into the room with a pout.

She doesn't enjoy the fact that they have to spend the night apart, and Jisoo knows this.

Jisoo will miss her just as much but it's Tae worked hard on his present. So, she decides to cheer Jennie up.

"Have you seen my underwear?" Jisoo asks Jennie.

She takes a seat on the bed and shakes her head. "No." She answers.

"Do you want to?" Jisoo smiles tilting her head.

Jennie giggles and grabs her hands pulling her towards the bed. Jisoo follows her lead and straddles her hips with a smile.

"I'll miss you." Jisoo says hugging her tightly.

"I'll miss you too. More than I'd like to admit." Jennie sighs hugging back just as tightly.

Jisoo chuckles and holds Jennies face in her hand. "I'll be back before you know it." She tries to wink but fails.

Jennie giggles at her attempt knowing that as much as she tries she can't wink.

"I love you." She smiles.

"I know. I love you too." She smiles back giving her a kiss.


Jisoo was out of town spending the day with Taehyung. He had planned a sibling day for the two of them as part of her Birthday present. They'd be staying for one night at their cousins house, who lived in Seoul.

Jennie felt lost without Jisoo. They haven't spent much time apart since they met each other, never mind a whole night.

She sighs and calls Jin since both Chaeng and Lisa were out on a date to the park.


Hey Jin. I'm bored what are you doing?

I'm with the rest of the guys, we're going to go go karting and some other things. Wanna come?

Yeah, I'll be ready in an hour.

Okay see yah!


Jisoo laughed as she ran through the city streets. Taehyung giggled and followed after her.

"Jisoo-ah wait for me!" He shouts chasing after her.

There was a big fountain so Jisoo stopped to look. Business people rushed to wherever they needed to be while the two of them stopped in awe of the fountain. Both were children at heart and enjoyed the simple things in life.

"Got any change?" They both asked each other.

Taehyung laughed and pulled out some change. "I wanted to use yours instead."

"Lets make a wish." She smiles grabbing his change.

"On three okay?" He nods. "Hana, dul, set!"

They toss their coins into the fountain, each making their wishes.

"What'd you wish for?" Tae asks.

"If I tell you it won't come true." Jisoo smiles.

"That's stupid. If you don't tell anyone how can anyone help you make it come true?" He asks.

Jisoo leans into him. "That makes sense. But I'm still not going to tell you!" She teases.

"Ahhh! You suck!" He laughs pushing her away.

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