Chapter Four

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Principal Jenkins was an unfriendly man. Known by all to dish out detentions for small indiscretions such as lingering in the hallways a few minutes after the bell rings, or for not walking at a certain pace, or even sipping from from the water fountain in the wrong way was sure enough to earn one a pink slip.

The only way Maia could describe the expression on Principal Jenkins' face was absolutely livid. He gave her the kind of look that Satan himself would cower under. The kind of gaze that even the mightiest of them all would shrivel under. The kind of gaze that you would reserve for the purely evil - like people that wake you up from incredible naps, or even people that steal your food while you eat it. The blue veins in his neck and his temples stood out precariously against his pale skin, and Maia watched worriedly as they throbbed violently. He stared hard at her until his left eye began to twitch and Maia shifted uncomfortably under his hawk-like gaze. She had never been so harshly scrutinized by an adult before and she found it difficult not to bolt for the door, but instead,  she took a deep breath and faced him as calmly as she could. However,  he sensed her discomfort as a fat bead of sweat betrayed her and rolled down her temple and as it did so,  Principle Jenkins' narrowed gaze followed it as it disappeared into the collar of her shirt and suddenly he smiled.

It wasn't a friendly smile either, it was a cat-got-the-canary, Cheshire Cat type of smile and it made Maia a whole lot more nervous than she was when she entered the office.

Principal Jenkins cleared his throat, and casually organized the papers in front of him before saying, "Miss..." as he looked up at her expectantly, possibly waiting for her to finish the rest of his sentence.

Maia cleared her throat anxiously as she curtly supplied, "Anderson. Miss Anderson."

"Ah," Principal Jenkins nodded, as he took his gaze off of her to look down at the papers in front of him. "Yes, Miss Anderson. So it says here that you've been enrolled in this school since January? Yes?"

He looked up at her in that patronizing way and Maia nodded.

"And your brother, Michael?"

"Micah," Maia interjected but Principal Jenkins merely brushed her away and continued, "he has also been here since January?"

"Yes," Maia said.

Principal Jenkins made a "hmpf" sound before picking up a pen and furiously scrawled down Lord knows what before putting the pen down and lacing his fingers together and looking at Maia with a look of mock concern.

"Miss Anderson. From reading your brother's transcript files, it would seem that he was expelled from his last two schools. This is said to be due to the fact that on both occasions he suffered from some sort of violent outbursts? No?"

Maia blinked rapidly, nervousness suddenly settling in her stomach."Yes but..."

"But but but," Principal Jerkins stated flippantly before continuing, "Aside from that, he seemed to have troubles staying awake during class, and catching up with work, and when he fell asleep in class, he would wake up screaming 'Save Encantia?'"

"Enchantia," Maia corrected and she immediately felt like slapping herself on the forehead when Principal Jenkins glanced up at her and raised a grey eyebrow.

"So you are well aware of his... issues?"

"Well yes, I'm his sister. Of course I know," she snapped, suddenly feeling protective over her brother.

Principal Jenkins smiled the most awful smile Maia had ever seen as he leaned forward on his bony, wrinkled fingers.

"Well, you should know that we accepted Michael into Athalone Prepatory because we felt sorry for him, plus, your parents were willing to pay a little extra, just to secure him a spot here but nonetheless, he doesn't seem to be faring well at this institution either. As a matter of fact, he's failed all his classes, is incredibly rude to teachers and refuses to participate in class, and quite frankly, scares the other children, hence why he's a bit of a recluse which is understandable."

Maia felt her blood boil. Clearly, Principal Jerkface was insulting her little brother. He has no right to say the things he did, Micah had gone through  so much, and so Maia felt as if it was a little bit reckless of the Principal to say things like that without knowing the full story.

"Yes, but Micah can't help these things, he suffers from-"

But before she could finish, Principal Jenkins cut her off.

"Whatever he's suffering from, he should get help for it. He's disturbing the rest of the class. We can't have someone like that in this environment. Especially after today's incident. Did you. Know that Michael broke 2 of that poor child's ribs? Plus his nose, and now he has a concussion! I can't be held liable for letting hoodlums roam around this fine institution! Which is why it pains me to say that after this moment, your brother will not be allowed back at Athalone Prepatory."

Maia's jaw fell open as she stared at the man sitting before her. He looked quite chuffed with himself actually, she saw none of this "pain" and "concern" which he spoke of. As a matter of fact, he delivered the news as if he was telling her about a new sandwich recipe that he had just learned about.

"Are you saying you're expelling Micah?! What? But he wouldn't just beat up someone! He isn't like that! He must've been provoked or something!" Maia screeched unintentionally before Principal Jenkins "tsked" at her.

He stared at her blankly as he said, "Oh yes. Well according to the child that came in before you, Oscar, the child who your brother sent to hospital, was "bullying" her and Michael stepped in to defend her which is total rubbish because Oscar is one of the finest young men in his grade. He would never do that. Which means that your brother must've threatened that young girl so that she would vouch for him."

He finished with a disapproving shake of his head. As if he remembered something, he added, "Ah yes. To answer your question. Yes. Mitchell has been expelled. You are most welcome to come back though, as long as if you don't act in the same manner as your sibling."

Maia dug her nails into her hands as she stood up abruptly, causing the chair to scrape backwards across the tiled floor. All she could see was red as she slammed her hands on the desk and leaned forward to face Mr. Jenkins.

She spoke in a slow, menacing voice as she said the next few words, "His name is Micah. Secondly, you must be out of your damn mind if you think I'm going to come back to this incredibly corrupt institution. Not that I'm condoning Micah's violent actions in any way, but I expect you to at least offer him a suspension or help, or something, I mean he did get hurt as well but no. You just expel him just like that. Do you honestly think I'm just going to sit here and let you talk smack about my flesh and blood? You honestly have no idea what that kid has been through and how hard he's trying to keep it together. So let me tell you something Eugene Jenkins, you can go ahead and expel me too, I'm done with this school."


*Drops the mic*

Honestly, I was so proud of Maia telling Mr Jenkins off, I wish I was that brave😂

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