Chapter Fifteen

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Stop!" Micah said loudly, causing everyone to stop and look at him.

Maia thought that Micah would freak out or do something, these creatures had just assaulted his family member but Micah kept his decorum as he spoke.

"On the contrary, my prince, I believe you will not lock away either me or my companions, once you hear everything I have to say."

And at that exact moment, suddenly a golden swirling design became etched onto Micah's skin. The design and color was similar to that on the prince's face, causing the prince to show the most surprise Maia had seen on his face since they arrived.


After the utterance of the word "brother", the room became silent. Everyone stared between Micah and the prince, waiting for what would happen next.

"Brother... is that... is that you?" The prince sputtered, moving to stand right in front of Micah, whose hands were joined together behind him, chin lifted defiantly as he gazed at the prince. The scene appeared strange to Maia though, due to the fact that Micah was probably a whole head shorter than the prince, but Micah made it a point to carry himself as if it was the other way around.

"Yes. It is I," Micah responded.

Maia shot a look at Harriet who shot an equally confused and rather disgusted look back, despite the atrocious events that had occurred just minutes before.

"It is I? What are we on? The set of a really bad action/paranormal movie?" Harriet wondered out loud. Too loud for the Flower Creatures apparently because one turned sharply towards Harriet. In return, Harriet paled and shrunk back, inciting Maia's anger once more.

"Okay cool. Can we skip the pleasantries and get to the point where you tell us what the hell is going on here? And then after that, you can let us go and I'll carve your eyes out with my pocket knife," Maia spat.

"Maia! That was violent! But not unappreciated!" Harriet responded.

"Be quiet! I will be the one asking the questions!" The prince boomed.

With that, he turned back to Micah, searching his face as if looking for signs of mistruth.

"H-How? Our soldiers came back and told us that- that you had perished in the battle with the Reapers? We spent days searching for your remains and never found them," The prince sputtered.

Micah smiled bitterly as he looked up as if trying to recall the tale.

"Well. As the soldiers may have informed you, we found the elusive seer witch, who was able to give me a clue as to where the map leading us to the missing pieces of the Oblivias. However, as you are well aware, I was the only one she could tell, and I am bound by unknown sources of magic, to keep the possible locations of the map a secret.

Anyway, just as I had obtained the very little information I had found, the store where she operates - amongst humans, of all places - was attacked by Reapers. Well not the Reapers themselves per say, but their vile underlings, who I assume execute all their dirty work. A few soldiers and I managed to fight some off and escape. However, we were followed by a greater number of those beasts and a battle ensued in the meadow."

Micah paused and frowned.

"We were outnumbered and underestimated the strength of the reaper soldiers. It occurred to me that if I was captured, they would torture me and pry out whatever knowledge I had concerning the Oblivias. Apparently, the seer witch knew this as well. She predicated that our army would be overpowered by reaper soldiers. However, she also predicated that there was hope. In the form of a human boy.

Obviously I found it quite humorous and rather absurd that the survival of Enchantia lay in the hands of a mere human child, but who was I to question fate. Additionally, it was my duty to my county, to do anything to save it. Even to become the species that I do so irrevocably detest. So the seer witch cast a spell on me. My memories and my being would be transferred to the boy upon physical touch and my body would fade away. It was the only way to deter the Reapers from finding the Oblivias, while I found a way to obtain it first and end their species once and for all.

So for all these years I've been feeding the boy's mind with information concerning our kind and history. Training him to hate Reapers and become solely focused on his mission! Driving him insane with want to protect Enchantia and it's people until it almost consumes him - creating the perfect, unsuspecting vessel to destroy the Reaper population. Training him to act like, think like, be like... me."

It was silent in the room for an extended period of time as everyone processed the gravity of the situation that the "real prince" had just described.

"Well shit."


Hi all. Well that was a pretty intense chapter😕 literally took me a long while to think and write out what was going to happen here. I hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to click that little pretty star, comment if you like, and share if you're keen🌟

Thanks so much for reading, I really do appreciate it so much. Especially because writing is my special fun time hobby that I like to do when I'm free and feeling super inspired ✨

Lots of Love and hugs,

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