Chapter Thirteen

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Luckily Maia was able to catch up to Micah who was walking at a rather brisk pace, not even slowing down to acknowledge the fact that his sister had finally joined him.

"Sooo... how are we finding Enchantia?" Maia asked after about 30 minutes of walking in silence, despite the fact that the crickets and owls were engaging in their own conversations that the pair possibly couldn't understand.

Micah ignored her and Maia made a face behind his back. He was being so moody and she didn't understand why. All she wanted to do was protect him and he was just throwing it in her face.

"Well, I'll just keep myself company," she muttered bitterly and was momentarily stabbed by guilt when she realized how she had just abandoned Harriet. "Harriet would've been chatting up a storm right now, I'd probably be laughing at one of her crazy theories instead of dealing with a sulky no, fun Micah," she thought sadly, wondering whether her cousin would forgive her eventually.

Lost in her thoughts, Maia almost didn't notice when Micah veered off the path and made his way towards a cluster of deeply intertwined trees, whose branches were gnarled and bent to form a sort of archway. In the dark, Maia's mind convinced her that some of those branches had extended to form claws, reaching out to stop unwelcome trespassers.

"Micah, are you sure you know where you're going?" She whispered uncertainly, turning slightly to see that the pathway that they were on previously was suddenly gone, replaced a visage of tingly wound vines that would have made it difficult for them to turn back.

Micah stormed on ahead and suddenly, they were in a clearing with only one large sturdy looking oak tree placed eerily in the middle. Maia trailed behind her brother. While taking notice of the grey fog that began to rise from the ground beneath them. It was deathly quiet except for the sound of their shoes crunching the grass under them.

Maia suddenly missed the lowly hoots of the owls, at least she had an indication of what was out there. In this area, even though everything was so open, she felt like a target and like a predator was getting ready to jump them both. The unsettling feeling of being watched made her paranoia increase, and she felt dumbfounded when she scanned the area behind them and saw nothing yet again. If there was a predator was close-by, she couldn't be sure who or what it could be.

Micah reached the tree and just stood there and gazed up at the branches and leaves. Maia frowned and whispered, "What are we looking for?"

"Mic-" she was about to say when Micah furiously whispered back, "Be quiet would you!" And Maia did just that. However it didn't stop her from thinking Micah was rude.

Micah deeply inhaled and placed both hands on the tree. His mouth began to move and it occurred to Maia that he was chanting something in the Flower Children or whatever language it was.

Maia watched in confusion and wonder as Micah's chanting become faster and suddenly, some sort of incantation or script appeared in the tree bark, alongside an intricate floral design which was also now glowing against Micah's paling skin.

Then suddenly, it was like a key was turned and the space behind the tree transformed into what looked like a city of sorts, created by all sorts of trees, leaves, flowers and all-natural produce. It was all glorious but Maia wasn't able to take it all in.

Before them came a group of gangly humanoid creatures, all beautiful and hideous at the same time with floral markings on their faces and visible parts of their bodies. Their skin ranged from dark greens to, light violet colors but that is not what caught Maia's attention.

The incredulously tall creature with black eyes leading the pack was holding a very familiar frightened figure by the neck within its vine-like grip. Harriet.

"Who are you?"


Short chapter but finally, we are at Enchantia!! I hope it made sense, I was kinda just going with it 😂 but anyway, if you like please put a ring on it. Jokes, just comment, share, like, add it to your reading list, add it to your blog, show it to your momma, whatever 😂✨


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