Chapter 2

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Day 2 was even worse than Day 1 because Day 2 meant meeting people and learning the ropes at ole Branchy.

At 10:00am, after breakfast, of course;(crazy people need their food)
I was brought to a small, sad almost room where a circle of people surrounded a chair I was meant to sit in.

It almost scared me; the thought of people circling me-either this was a ritual sacrifice to the Branch Gods, or they will lock hands and start singing songs to comfort my scarred brain.

But, I sat anyway because it was way too early to object, and I was hoping that one of these people could tell me what happened to Blue.

In all honesty, I was curious.

A motto here is "No secrets" so the odds of them telling me could be large.

Once I was seated, the people went around stating their name and their occupation and how they will help me.

One that stood out was my own personal nurse; Cathy.

She was pudgy in the best way, like her hugs were just warming and padded.

They all tried to get my attention so they could tell me what's up with my brain,
but I was more concerned about my own questions.

" I get to go outside?"

"With supervisors and for limited time only."

"Can I have people in my room?"

"This is a hospital, not a club."

I snarled at Mr.SassyPantsDoctor, which he wrote on my Chart.

"Any more questions?" He asked.

"Yeah, since there's "No Secrets", what's with that guy-he looks my age, little taller than me, blue eyes, and like to hold his breath?"

They all stared at me.
Even Cathy didn't look too pleased.

"No? Okay, well I'll shut up."

I tried to keep a low profile since I've only been here a couple days and already the staff has it out for me.
At "Creative Time" I sat at the craft table with some old people, making fish out of tissue paper, when he came up. He was out of breath, taking in gulps of air.


"Hi, uh- what can I do for you?"

"Are you busy, right now?"

Staring down at my tissue paper mess, I thought maybe I should play hard to get.

"No, why?" Or not.

"Come with me."

And with that, he grabbed my hand, and pulled me behind him as we ran.

His hands. They weren't hand crafted from God, or strong and muscular. They were hands. Boyish, almost. They were long; neither thin, nor thick. And sort of clammy. His hands ultimately contradicted his whole facade.

"Shhhh, you have to be quiet."

He whispered as we came across the offices of important people that call themselves doctors.

"Why? What're you doing?"

I watched in horror as he reached across the aisle and pulled the fire alarm.
Just as it sounded, he pushed as back into the utility room.

"What the hell!"

He put his hands on my mouth, "hush, young grasshopper. Watch."


He cracked the door open just enough for me to see what was going on. It was utter chaos; patients ran wild, nurses covered their hair with one hand, and tried to get everyone under control.

"Ants." He whispered. Ants?

I watched, stupidly looking at the floor for a trail of ants, when the answer was in front of me.


I said, astonished, under my breath.

That's what he wanted to show me; how the people scattered, like their hill had been stepped on.

I glanced at him, only to find that he was already looking at me.

"So this wasn't a prank? You were showing me that they are ants-"

"Unfortunately, sweet girl, it isn't just them. It's us too. Were all ants, we work our entire lives with no concrete purpose, and when something unexpected or wrong happens, we go insane. Ants, my darling."

I looked at him.

He was crazy, well, obviously or he wouldn't be in here. But he was a new type of crazy. Maybe this is how people thought about Einstein...

"What's your name?" I asked. He smirked, as if it'll take more for him to tell.

"Oh c'mon, I just helped reek havoc on this lovely establishment, and you won't even tell me your name."

"Alright, I'll bite. It's Ricky."

"Ricky? You don't look like a Ricky."

"You don't look like a Tessa."

"How'd you know that was my name..."

"Checked your files."

He smirked, a crooked smile that was both mischievous and manipulating.

I stood up, I didn't want to sit here and be some girl that's easily manipulated by a boy. I needed to show some control.

I slipped out the door, careful not to give away our hiding spot.

"By the way," I said, looking Ricky straight into the eyes, "I prefer Tess."

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