Starting A New School

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-Dani’s (POV) - (New York)

-Dani’s Room-

Kurt, Blaine, Rachel and I have been in New York for about three days now I’m still getting used to living with Rachel and Blaine I mean I’ve lived with Kurt already. Anyways I’m getting ready for my first day of school, Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt started school yesterday. I’m looking at myself in the mirror I’m wearing jeans and a band shirt. I see Rachel in the reflection and I turn around.

Dani: Well how do I look?

Rachel: You look amazing.

Dani: Thank you I’m kind of nervous.

Rachel: You will be fine.

Dani: I hope so.

I turn back around and check myself out one more time than I grab my stuff for school and leave.

-Santana’s (POV)- (Kentucky)

-Santana’s Dorm Room-

I’m looking at myself in the mirror I am wearing my cheerleading uniform. I started school about a day ago and I fit in here just fine I mean I’m the top bitch here. I share a room with a girl names Elizabeth and she is cool. She saw the picture of Dani the first day that I got here and she asked if she was my friend. I smiles and told her that she was my girlfriend. She said, “Oh that’s cool.” I just nodded I miss Dani so much I wish that she was here with me right now. My roommate Elizabeth comes into the room.

Elizabeth: Don’t you have class in like ten minutes?

Santana: Yeah I’m almost ready.

I check myself out one more time and grab my stuff my phone goes off I look at it new message from Dani. I walk out of my dorm room.

D: I hope that you have a good day today.

S: Thank you back at you.

D: Thanks I hope that I do too. It’s my first day and I’m nervous as hell.

S: Awe will be fine baby.

D: Thanks. What are you doing?

S: Heading to class.

D: What class?

S: Math class YUCK.

D: Lol I’m heading to my music class right now.

S: You should be good at the class. ;)

D: Oh I know that I will be.

I get to my class and I stop before I enter the class.

S: Lol well I have to go I’m at my class.

D: Okay. I love and miss you.

S: I love and miss you too. XOXOXO.


I smile and enter my class I make it just in time.

-Dani’s (POV)- (New York)

When I get done talking to Santana I get to my class I’m like fifteen minutes early so I sit at table and check Facebook my phone goes off new message from Finn.

F: Hey sis how’s it going?

D: Hey Finn it’s going all right.

F: How is school?

D: I don’t know yet today is my first day.

F: I thought that you started yesterday.

D: No Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt did.

F: Oh and you start today?

D: Yes I’m waiting for my class to start now.

F: Cool.

D: Yep. What about you? How are your classes going?

F: They are going fine, I mean I fell asleep during one of them.

D: Omg Finn you aren’t supposed to fall asleep during your classes.

F: Yes I know that mom.

D: Ha ha funny.

F: I thought that it was. :p

D: Lol.

I look up from my phone and notice people going into the room.

D: Well Finny I have to go I’ll text you later kay? Tell mom and dad that I love them and miss them.

F: Okay and I will tell them I love you D.

D: I love you too Finn.

I smile and walk into my class.

-Santana’s (POV)- (Kentucky)

I’m sitting in my math class trying to do the work that Professor Shelton told us to do I’m having a hard time focusing because I’m thinking about Dani (Which I’ve been doing since I got here) I really miss her. I mean yeah we text and call each other we even set up Skype accounts so we can Skype each other. I’m going to ask her if she wants to Skype tonight I miss seeing her it would also be nice to see Berry, Hummel, and Anderson too, but mostly Dani. I’m snapped out of my thoughts by a tap to my shoulder. I turn around and see the most beautiful girl ever wait I know her name is Lizzy she is a couple of my classes and I catch her looking at me every now and then.

Santana: May I help you?

Lizzy: Do you have an eraser I forgot mine in my dorm room.

Santana: Oh yeah sure.

I reach into my bag and grab an eraser and hand it to Lizzy.

Lizzy: Thank you so much.

Santana: You’re welcome.

I turn back around and do my work.

What did you think? This is the last part for tonight good night. Sorry it’s so short I’ll post longer ones tomorrow.

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