Going Through Finn's Things/Back to New York

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-Dani’s (POV)-

-Carole and Burt’s house-

Kurt and I went back home our mom and dad wanted us to come home so we could go through Finn’s things. We are in his room right now mom is on the ground going through a box and dad is going through his closet. Kurt is going through his dresser I’m leaning against the door frame with my arms crossed. Dad pulls out the championship football that the team gave to Finn sophomore year. He tosses it into a box that says “Donate” Kurt takes the ball out of the box.

Kurt: I think that Dani should have this.

I look over at him and he tosses me the ball I catch it and look at it.

Dani: Thanks Kurt.

Kurt: You’re welcome.

I stand straight up and walk off I head to the game room.

-Game Room-

I look around the game room and see a photo of Finn and me we have arms around each other and smiling it is a picture from when he visited New York.

Carole: That was his favorite picture of the two of you.

I turn around and see mom.

Dani: It’s mine too he seemed very happy when he was in New York with all of us.

Carole: He was he actually called us when he got there and he couldn’t wait to see all of you.

Dani: Yeah I remember when he told me that he was going to visit someday I didn’t believe it until he showed up one day.

Carole: He loved to surprise people.

Dani: He sure did.

A tear falls from my eye mom pulls me into a hug.

-Santana’s (POV)-

-Hotel Room-

I’m sitting on the bed in the hotel room with Rachel Blaine had to go back to New York he had a NYADA thing to do. I really want to be with Dani right now, but I know that she needs to be with the family right now. Rachel is laying on the bed she’s been like that ever since we got here. I can hear her sobbing so I get up and lay in bed with her I wrap my arms around her and she sobs.

Santana: It’s okay Rach, it’s okay.

Rachel: I miss him so much San.

Santana: I know that you do I do too.

I let a few tears run down my cheek. The hotel door opens and I turn over and see Dani and Kurt standing there.

Dani: You know if I didn’t know that Rachel wasn’t into girls and that you love me I would totally think something was going on in here.

I chuckle a little so does Rachel I get up.

Santana: I was just…

Dani: You don’t have to explain.

I hug Dani and she hugs me back.

Santana: How are you doing?

Dani: I’m doing okay I’m just tired.

Kurt: So am I.

Kurt lays on the bed with Rachel. Rachel looks at the clock and yawns.

Rachel: I think that we all should head to bed we have to head to catch a train early in the morning.

We all nod Dani grabs her pajamas and goes to the bathroom to change she comes back and gets under the blankets. I go and get my pajamas on and lay with her I cuddle up to her she wraps her arms around me and we all fall asleep.

-Dani’s (POV)-

-Morning- (Train Station)

All of us are up and ready to go we head to the train station Mr. Schue, mom and dad are there.

Carole: Let us know when you guys arrive back in New York.

Mom and Dad hug me and Kurt.

Dani & Kurt: We will.

We hug Mr. Schue than board the train.

-On the Train-

Santana and I sit next to each other she puts her arm around me I lean into her and close my eyes.  Before I know it we are back in New York all of us get off of the train and exit the train station.

-Santana’s (POV)-

-The Loft-

When we arrive at the loft Dani heads straight to the room Kurt and Blaine hug and kiss each other. Rachel sits on the couch and puts her feet up on the table I take my shoes and jacket off I head to the room.

-Dani and Santana’s Room-

Dani is laying on her side facing the window I climb into bed and wrap my arms around and put my chin on her shoulder she grabs my arms and cuddles into me.

Dani: I love you.

Santana: I love you too.

She turns around and faces me.

Dani: I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t there with me.

Santana: You would have had Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt there.

Dani: I know but, it wouldn’t have been the same without you.

Santana: Well I’m glad that you were there too. I know that it must have been hard for you to go back for that.

Dani: It must have been hard for you too.

Santana: It was I mean Finn helped me through so much.

Dani: He helped me too.

I roll to my back and Dani lies on my chest I wrap my arms around her and rub her back as she rubs my arms our legs entwine with each other.

Santana: You don’t realize how much someone is worth until they are gone.

Dani: Yeah that’s why we have to hold onto what we have and who we have in our lives. I mean we never know what’s going to happen or if anything is going happen.

Santana: Yeah.

I squeeze her tighter and she cuddles into me more I close my eyes and fall asleep.

What did you think? Sorry it’s taking me so long to upload parts I’ve been kind of busy babysitting. Anyways I hope that you guys are enjoying it.

I'm also thinking about doing another Fanfic. What do you guys think? What do you want my next Fanfic to be about?

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