First Fight

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-Dani’s (POV)- (Three Weeks After Engagement)

-The Loft-

I’m in my and Santana’s room cleaning up I notice that everything that I am picking up is Santana’s I throw her dirty clothes into the hamper and put her shoes into the closet I lay on the bed. I look around for Midnight but then I remember that she died last week it was the hardest thing to go through except for Finn and my mom’s deaths. I close my eyes for a little bit just to rest them I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist I open them and see Santana I roll over to face her.

Santana: Hi.

Dani: Hi how was work?

I roll onto my back Santana puts her head onto my chest.

Santana: Boring without you.

Dani: I know I’m sorry.

Did I mention that I also got fired from the diner because of I went off some customer that kept touching me yeah not a very good idea to throw soda on them.

Santana: It’s all right maybe Gunther could…

Dani: I don’t think so San plus I need to focus on school anyways.

Santana: I’m going to NYADA and working.

I sigh and sit up.

Dani: Yes I know that you tell me that every time we discuss me working. I get that you go to NYADA and you work I don’t need a reminder every five seconds.

I get off of the bed and walk out of the room Santana is behind me.

Santana: Baby what’s going on?

Dani: Nothing I’m just tired that’s all.

Rachel and Kurt look at us when we enter the living room.

Santana: Are you sure that is all?

I turn around to face her.

Dani: Yes San I’m sure if I wasn’t sure than I wouldn’t have said it.

Santana: You know we’ve been together for a long time and I can tell when something is bugging you.

I sigh.

Dani: Look I don’t want to fight so the best thing for you to do right now is to leave me alone.

Santana: Just tell me what’s wrong.

I don’t know what came over me but I just lash out on Santana.

Dani: I’m sick and tired of picking up your crap from the damn floor, it’s like you don’t know how to put your shoes in the closet or stick your dirty clothes into the hamper.

Santana: I know how to put my shoes in the closet and my dirty clothes in the hamper I’m not a kid.

Dani: Why don’t you put them there than? Why are they always on the ground? You aren’t the only one that uses that room Santana.

Santana: I know that and I’m sorry.

 Dani: It’s whatever I can tell you this over and over again but you never get it through your head anyways.

Santana: Excuse me?

Dani: You heard me the only thing that you have been focused on lately is work, school, and your friends from Kentucky.

Santana: That’s not true.

Dani: Okay then. When was the last time we actually had a conversation that didn’t involve Elizabeth or when was the last time we had a date?

Santana: I’ve been busy with school.

Dani: What about the days when you don’t have school or work?

Santana: You usually have school.

Dani: Not always every time I ask you if you want to go do something you say one of your friends is going to call or you’re too tired. I mean you are my fiancée now and it feels like you are putting them before me.

Santana: That’s not true.

Dani: Okay sure.

Santana’s phone goes off she takes it out of her pocket and pushes the end button.

Dani: Who was that?

Santana: Elizabeth.

I sigh and throw my hands up.

Dani: Why don’t you call her back?

Santana: Because I want to work this out Dani.

Dani: It doesn’t matter Santana.

I walk off.

-Santana’s (POV)-

I watch Dani walk off and I don’t understand where all this is coming from. Has she always felt this way? I sigh and sit on the couch next to Rachel.

Rachel: Are you okay?

Santana: Yeah I just don’t understand this.

Kurt: Well she’s been talking to me about it.

Santana: What has she been saying?

Kurt: All of the stuff that she told you she told me. She’s feeling left out San and she does have a point. You guys haven’t been on a date since forever.

Santana: What am I supposed to do?

Rachel: Make her feel wanted and needed.

Santana: I’ll try.

Rachel: That’s all you can do San.

Rachel grabs my hand I give her a half smile.

Sorry I haven’t been updating this story that much I’ve been kind of stuck, but now I’m back and I’m going to try update this story more. Oh yeah I also couldn’t get the New Roommate back I tried almost all night. I’ll do something to make it up to you guys maybe I’ll do another story once I’m done with my other ones. Anyways what did you guys think of this part was it good?

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