Hello New York

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I’m sorry if this makes people upset or mad Please don’t Hate me.

-Santana’s (POV)- (Kentucky) Four weeks after visit

-Santana’s Dorm Room-

I’m sitting on my bed I’m thinking about some things I want to move to New York, but I also like it here in Kentucky I mean I’m doing good here. There is a knock on the door I get up and see Lizzy standing there.

Santana: Lizzy what are you…

I didn’t have time to ask my question I feel lips on my mine and I actually find myself kissing back.

-Dani’s (POV)- (New York)

-Dani’s Room-

I’m laying on my bed reading a book there is a knock and I look up from my book. I squeal a little and jump up.

Dani: What are you doing here Finn?

I hug him.

Finn: Well I had some time off I decided to come and visit again.

Dani: Does Rachel know that you are here?

Rachel pops her head in.

Rachel: Yes I do.

Dani: How long have you known about him coming to visit?

Rachel: For a couple of days.

Dani: And you didn’t tell me?

Rachel: He wanted to surprise you and Kurt.

Dani: He should be trying to surprise you.

I push Finn a little he pushes me back.

-Santana’s (POV)- (Kentucky)

I realize what I am doing I push Lizzy off and look at her. What am I going to do now? I can’t tell Dani about this it will crush her and it could ruin our relationship.

Lizzy: I’m sorry it’s just that I’ve wanted to do that for a while.

Santana: It doesn’t mean that you had to do it. I have a girlfriend Lizzy.

Lizzy: I know that I’m sorry.

Santana: You have to go.

Lizzy nods her head and walks out of the dorm room. I sit on my bed and put my hands into my hands I start sobbing.

-Dani’s (POV)- (New York)

-Kitchen Table-

Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Finn, and I are sitting at the table we are eating lunch I don’t have class for three weeks because the school kind of got set on fire. It was kind of scary.

Finn: So have you heard from San today D?

Dani: Mmm not yet.

Kurt: Haven’t you been trying to get a hold of her all day today?

Dani: Yes I have been and she’s not answering any of my calls or texts.

Blaine: That’s not like her at all.

Dani: Yeah I know.

There is a knock on the door. I get up and answer it.

Dani: Santana what are you doing here?

Santana: I’m moving in.

Santana pulls her bag into the loft.

Dani: What about…

I’m interrupted by her kissing me the kiss gets heated and she pushes me up against the door. She starts kissing my neck and hits my sweet spot I moan a little.

Santana: I love you so so so much Dani.

Dani: I love you too.

Rachel clears her throat we look at her my shirt is halfway up so I pull it down.

Rachel: What are you doing her San?

Santana: I’m moving in.

Santana walks to my room we follow her. After she puts her stuff into my room we walk out to the kitchen.

Rachel: What about school?

Santana: I got into NYADA.

Dani & Rachel: What?

Santana: Yeah.

Santana sits at the table with Kurt, Blaine, and Finn.

Kurt: When did you audition for NYADA?

Santana: The last time I was here.

Dani: Why didn’t you tell any of us that you were going to audition for NYADA?

Santana: I wanted it to be a secret, plus I didn’t think that I would get in anyways.

Finn: But if you had a scholarship in Kentucky why would want to go to NYADA?

Santana: So I can be with the person that I love.

Santana grabs my hand and pulls on me I sit on her lap.

Blaine: Yeah, but Santana you had a scholarship.

Santana: I know that but I wasn’t happy there I belong here.

Rachel: Well I say welcome.

Kurt: So do I.

Blaine: Yeah welcome.

Dani: Welcome to New York babe.

I kiss Santana.

-Santana’s (POV)-

I’m sitting on the bed looking out the window I can’t stop thinking about that kiss that happened between Lizzy and me. I feel arms go around me I look over and see Dani she puts her head on my shoulder while I grab her arms.

Dani: I’m happy that you are here.

Santana: I’m happy to baby.

I kiss Dani and she kisses me back.

Sorry if this made anyone mad. I just thought that it was time for some drama or something to happen. I’m also trying to be realistic I mean couples have problems some times and people do make mistakes (We are all human after all) I just hope that you guys will continue to read this story anyways Leave Comments. I’m also sorry for this being so short.

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