BFB Version 1

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We've all had those friends with attractive siblings. Let's see how Jonathan reacts to his best friend's brother.

This plot will be used again, only Jonathan will be the brother and Evan will be the friend. Yes, he'll still be bottom.



"Mom! I'm home!" announced a fairly tall teen whose facial hair could make him pass off for a male in his mid twenties. His backpack dragged on the floor until he let it drop beside the front door, behind him, a brunette followed his actions. "I brought Jonathan! We're gonna chill here before the game starts!" as if his mother had heard every single word, he wandered into the kitchen and picked off an apple from the lone, green bowl that sat atop the island. Obviously being a resident of this home, the male with hair that was threading amongst a dark honey color and dirty blonde walked over to the fridge and opened one of the doors; his apple already missing a piece that was being carelessly chewed. "Water or soda?" he suddenly asked.

Behind him, Jonathan was leaning on the island counter while on his phone, texting his teammates about him being with Tyler. He hummed at the question, slightly turning his head without casting his eyes away from the dim phone screen. Finally processing the question, he answered, "H2O, you know coach hates us drinking anything like that soda before a game." Finally, his own stunning blue met another pair with an equal amount of breath taking powers.

Tyler rolled his brilliant blues before reaching into the fridge and single handedly taking out two bottles of water. "I know, retard, I was just testing you," he snapped, moving around the other side of the island and headed into the living room.

Jonathan snorted behind him, pocketing his phone as he followed his friend, "sure sure." His hands raised defensively and a shit eating grin spread his lips once Tyler glared back at him.

There were footsteps coming from the stairs directly adjacent behind the couch as the two males settled down. Jonathan had just unscrewed his water and was chugging half while Tyler took another bite from the apple.

"Hey Ty," called a soft voice behind them, Tyler hummed and turned to look at whomever called his name. Jonathan did so as well, curious on who this person was. He turned to see a short male who seemed to shrink in on himself at Jonathan's presence. "O-oh, um. Hi . . ." the shy boy looked down upon meeting Jonathan's electric blues.

Jonathan wouldn't deny that his eyes were raking over him like a lion eyes a piece of meat. He was growing hungry and this fine specimen would surely be his fill. With those mid-thigh, black shorts and a yellow 'Cheerios' shirt that looked big on him, that boy could make a straight man gay. Thankfully, he didn't think he could get any gayer. Those big, innocent browns shyly rose from the ground to meet his for a second time, his round glasses making him look so fucking irresistible in an odd way that just had Jonathan's boner aching. "Hey," he nodded, having to gulp the sudden dryness in his throat that water couldn't fix.

Tyler, not having noticed the sexual tension, motioned to the boy as he looked at Jonathan, "Jon, this is Evan. My baby brother. He lived with our older brother in Canada for a while." Jonathan lifted himself a bit over the couch to stretch out his hand for a handshake, shyly, Evan complied. "Ev, this Jonathan. My best friend." Their hands parted and they were once again settled like they originally were. Tyler cut through what would be an awkward silence, "so, was there something you needed?" His tone was sweet, caring, something he'd never heard from Tyler. He really loved his little brother.

Evan hummed in question before jolting in understanding at what Tyler meant. "Oh! No no, it was mom," Evan motioned over his shoulder with his pointer finger, "she heard you yelling about something and she sent me down to ask because she didn't catch what you said."

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