Chapter 16

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Chapter 16-

Layla's POV

"Sure Lay," Jonah said as we headed towards one of the other trails.

We walked for a few minutes before we got to a small clearing that looked over part of the city.

"It's so pretty up here," I commented.

"Yeah, it is. What is it you wanted to tell me?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and thought, well here goes nothing.

"Can we sit down? This might take a while," I asked.

"Sure thing," he said as we sat down and he immediately came closer to me.

He always gave me a sense of warmth, and right now it was helping me with what I was about to do.

"So, uh, I don't really know how to start this, but umm... Ok, you know what, I'll just get straight to the point. Jonah, I like you, like really like you, and that's why this is going to be so hard for me to tell you but-" before I could continue, Jonah interrupted me.

"Layla, I really like you too. So whatever you need to say, go ahead, I'm right here for you," he finished before smiling down at me sweetly.

"Really? You actually like me?!" I asked surprisingly.

"Of course I do, you're such an amazing girl. So go ahead, you can tell me anything," he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

I snuggled deeper into his side before I started telling him everything.

"Well, you see, when I was 14, I had my first boyfriend, and I instantly fell in love with him. Of course I had no idea what true love was, I was still so young, but after a few months of us being together, he broke my heart when he broke up with me because "sports were more important", as he said. I didn't spend much time being heartbroken since I realized it was no big deal and he was just my first boyfriend. It was the beginning of my sophomore year and I was 15 when I started dating another guy. I learned from my past mistakes and made sure that I took my time in our relationship before I told him that I loved him. I told him I loved him about 4 months into our relationship, and he didn't tell me it back, but I didn't want to rush him into saying it because I didn't want to possibly ruin our relationship. I spent my whole sophomore year dating him and the first few weeks of junior year before we broke up. See, I told him I loved pretty much every day of us being together, and he did say it every once in a while, but I never realized that he never actually said it with true feelings. We were only a few weeks into junior year and Chey and I decided to go to a party one weekend. I invited my boyfriend, but he said he was home studying so he couldn't. We had been at the party for a few minutes before I had to go to the bathroom. I had never been to this person's house before, so I had no idea where it was. I was looking through pretty much every room upstairs when I came to one that I assumed was it since I has looked in pretty much every other one. But when I opened the door," I immediately stopped talking and started balling my eyes out.

Jonah stroked my hair and rubbed my arm before saying, "It's ok, you don't have to tell the rest of the story if you don't want to."

"No, I need to tell you the rest of it," I said in between muffled sobs.

"And when I opened the door, I saw my boyfriend making out and giggling with another girl. I had no idea what to do, so I just stood there shocked. Neither of them had realized I was there, so he started to say "I love you so much" and she said "I love you too." At this point, I fell to the floor and started sobbing. They then noticed I was there and my boyfriend tried to apologize to me and told me it wasn't what it looked like, but I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys. I heard Chey calling my name after me, but I didn't look back. I just kept running down the street until I made it to my car. I jumped in the car and started driving down the street. I had no idea where I was going, and I was getting hundreds of missed calls and texts from Cheyenne, but I just kept driving. I ended up driving to a club in town that lets underage teens in, even though its illegal. I knew about it from kids at school, so I parked my car and ran inside of the club. I wiped my tears and started to look around. I spent my whole night there drinking and dancing before I ended up sleeping with a random guy I had met there. The next morning, I went home and when my parents asked me where I had been, I told them I slept over at Chey's house. I spent most of my junior year drinking at clubs and sleeping with random people I met so I could try and forget my ex boyfriend who had basically ripped my heart out of my chest. It was around February when Chey decided to follow me one night to see where I was always going. She caught me right before I walked into the club and took me straight back to her house. Her parents were away and her brother was at his friend's house for the weekend, so she stayed up all night with me and listened to my whole story. After I told her everything, she was never more than five feet away from me. She made sure to properly take care of me and acted like my mom, even though she's younger than me. If it weren't for Cheyenne, I would probably be an addict at this point."

I looked up at Jonah for the first time during my long story to see tears brimming around his eyes. His grip around me tightened as I continued on with the end of my story.

"When we had to opportunity to move to LA, we immediately jumped at it. I thought it would be perfect to get away from everything in South Carolina, and so far, moving here has done just that. And when I first met you Jonah, I immediately fell for you, even though I knew I shouldn't have since I barely knew you and because of everything that has happened in my past. I was scared of being vulnerable, and I still am. But Jonah, you make me feel so safe and happy and protected, and I can't thank you enough for that. And I have such strong feelings for you, but I just don't want to be damaged and broken again, even though I know you would never do that to me," I finished as more tears came out of my eyes.

I could barely see anything out of my water filled eyes, but I felt Jonah's soft touch wipe my tears away.

"You could never be damaged or broken, you're too amazing.

And I swear to God, I will never, ever, hurt you Layla Grace Singer."

Cheyenne's POV

Zach and I took lots of photos in a small area we found at one of trails that had an amazing view.

I took a really good one of Zach and he decided to post it on Instagram and tag me in the caption for photo creds.

We were walking towards the main trail when we sat on a bench so we could take a break since we were laughing so hard from all of the corny jokes we were making.

I checked my phone to see the time and noticed my Instagram was blowing up. I looked on Instagram and saw that I was getting tagged in a lot of comments and posts, specifically on the picture Zach just posted.

I was confused, but then I started going through the comments and saw one that stood out to me.

"Who is she?"

a/n: hey guys! hope you enjoyed this longer chapter! i really liked writing about layla's past since it explained a lot. thanks for reading!

<3 herronhasmyheart

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