Chapter 31

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Chapter 31-

Cheyenne's POV

"No, Zach, you don't understand. I mean, thank you so much for wanting to help me, but he could hurt you," I said in between of sniffles.

"I don't care, he hurt you, and I'm not going to let him get near you ever again. Not after what he did to you in the past," Zach said as he got a very confident look on his face.

"But Zach, you have no idea what he's capable of. There's a reason why I didn't tell anyone when he first started to physically hurt me, and didn't want the people I love to be put through the same pain I was," I said, trying to convince him to not get involved.

"No, that's not fair. You might have been able to stop him from the people you care about, but you weren't able to stop him from hurting you, and now he could come back and do it again. But if he wants to get to you again, he'll have to go through me," he argued.

"No, Zach, please don't! I can't watch him hurt you!" I said as more tears began to fall from my eyes.

"He won't be able to hurt me, I'll stop him," he replied as he got up off of the couch and stood up straighter so he seemed tougher.

I didn't want Brett to hurt Zach, because I knew Brett would be capable of doing it, but Zach wouldn't listen to me when I told him that he shouldn't try to go after him.

I curled my body back into a ball and started to rock back and forth as I hid my face in between my legs and silently cried.

"Hey princess, it's ok now, he won't get to you," Zach said as he sat back down next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"That's not it Zach," I started, "you don't understand that he won't hesitate to hurt you if you get in his way, especially if he finds out how close we are and how important you are to me."

"No no no, everything is going to be perfectly fine. You should tell the other boys, they can help me find him! And then we can beat him up! He will never even be able to find you!" Zach said, trying to convince me that he could actually fight Brett.

"I can't the other boys involved in this, I just can't," I replied.

"They'll be fine with it! They care so much about you, and after you tell them about Brett, they'll definitely want to beat him up with me," he continued to try and convince me, but I was still stubborn.

"You know, I think the only way to keep you safe is to distance myself from you for a while," I said as I started to get off of the couch.

"What? What are you talking about Cheyenne?" he questioned me since he was confused on what I had meant.

I started to walk towards the front door and Zach quickly followed.

"Where are you going?" he asked me, concern rising in his voice.

"I don't know, somewhere far away. It's the only way to keep you safe," I replied as I looked out of the window to see it pouring outside.

"No, you can't Cheyenne, not with Brett out there! I need to be by you at every second of the day in case he finds you!" he tried to argue with me.

I looked outside again, into the pouring ran, before taking a deep breath and making my final decision. I turned back around to Zach to see worry and concern taking over his face.

This is it. It's now or never, I thought to myself.

"Goodbye Zach," I said before opening the front door and sprinting out into the downpour.

"Cheyenne! Come back! Cheyenne, please, it's pouring!" Zach yelled before I heard the door slam.

I assumed he had gone back inside, but just to be safe, I kept running. 

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