Chapter 35

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Chapter 35-

Cheyenne's POV

After we all talked for a bit longer about moving in, Zach and I went upstairs to change into some dry and warm clothes.

We walked into his room and he handed me my favorite hoodie of his and a pair of sweatpants. I went into the bathroom to quickly change and when I walked back out, Zach was laying on his bed wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, like me.

I walked over to his bed and hopped in next to him and snuggled into his side before being engulfed with the scent of him.

"Are you sure it's ok for Lay and I to move in? I mean, I don't want to be a hassle to you guys since you're always busy with music and stuff," I asked Zach.

"Nothing would make me happier than having you live with us and knowing that I can try to keep you safe from Brett," he answered as he played with my hair.

We both just laid there in silence, enjoying each other's company, when I soon fell asleep, tired from the long day.

As soon as sleep over took my body, a dream entered my imagination. Well, it was more like a nightmare. 

I was inside of the boys' house, busying unpacking some of my things, when I heard a clanging downstairs. I went downstairs and saw through the windows that it was completely pitch black dark. As in there was nothing but darkness looming outside of the large windows surrounding the house.

That's weird, I thought to myself, but I continued to walk into the kitchen, where I heard the noise earlier. When I started walking closer to the kitchen, I decided to call out everyone's names to see if it was them.

"Zach? Layla? Daniel? Jonah? Corbyn? Jack? Anyone? You guys home?" I called out only to get no response.

At this point I became scared, if they weren't home, who was in the kitchen?

I hesitantly walked to the kitchen, step by step.

"Hello? Is someone here? Who are you?" I asked.

It's probably the boys pulling a prank on me or something, I thought. But before I could talk another step, I heard the one voice in the world that could destroy me.

"Oh look, here she is in all her glory, finally returning to me," Brett said as he walked out of the shadows revealing a huge smirk on his face.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled.

"Oh sweetheart, you know you miss me. Why don't we go back to South Carolina? Just the two of us? Forget Layla and these five little scrawny boys you just met," he said.

"How do you know about the boys?" I asked, the volume of my voice slowly rising.

"I know everything, sweetie. I know how you've only known them for two months, yet you think they can protect you and save you, and you trust them. I know that they are all like your older brothers, except one of them. What was his name again? Oh, yeah, Zach," he smirked.

The second Zach's name left his mouth, I boiled up with anger.

"Stay away from Zach. Stay away from all of them for that matter," I said, my voice becoming more powerful as I tried to get in a stance that might make him feel threatened.

"Are you trying to protect those little things? It's not like they have ever done anything for you. For goodness sake, you only started to get feelings for Zach a few hours ago. You barely know anything about them, they could hurt you for all you know," he said.

"Like you?" I asked as I raised one of my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"Well you were a bad person, you deserved it," he replied.

"Deserved it? What did I ever do to you, or to anyone, to deserve abuse?" I asked, my voice cracking as I started to break down.

"You were a terrible, terrible person. The only way to stop you was to hurt you, trust me," he answered.

"I will never, in a million years, trust you ever again. Trusting you basically destroyed me," I answered as tears started to form in my eyes.

"That's why you shouldn't trust Zach, he'll just destroy you," he replied.

"You don't know anything!" I yelled at him.

"Well I knew where to find Zach," he smirked.

"What?" I asked.

He went behind the large kitchen counter and pulled up a tied up Zach with duct tape on his mouth and ropes tied around his arms. There was a huge bruise on his face starting to form, so I knew Brett had hurt him.

"What did you do to him? He never did anything to you! Leave him alone!" I screamed as the tears spilled out over my cheeks.

"Oh sweetheart, he took you from me, and now I'm getting you back," Brett answered before walking up to me and slapping me in the face.

I then immediately woke up, sobbing and screaming.

"Princess, what's wrong? Are you ok? What happened?" Zach asked me as he woke up from my sobs and screams and began to rub my back.

"I-I had a nightmare," I said as I hid my tear stained face into Zach's side.

"About what princess?" Zach soothingly asked.

"Br-Brett. He was here, in the house and he, he had you tied up and he had hurt you. There was a huge bruise on your face," I answered as sobs still escaped my lips.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. It's all just a bad dream, I'm here it will be ok," he said as he lightly kissed me on the top of my head.

I continued to cry muffled sobs into Zach's shoulder as he rub my back with one hand and played with my hair with the other. After I had settled down, I removed my head from his shoulder and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry I woke you up for no reason," I apologized.

"Cheyenne, you had a terrible dream, there's no reason for you to apologize to me. Especially since I will always be here for you and protect you," he replied.

We laid in silence, like we previously had been doing before we both fell asleep.

"What time is it?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"4:49 in the morning," Zach answered after he checked his phone.

"You look exhausted, try to get some sleep," he said.

"But I've been sleeping for so long," I replied.

"I know, but you need the rest, your sleep was filled with a nightmare," he replied.

"Ok, as long as you'll be here when I wake up," I said as I looked up into his deep brown eyes.

"Always," he answered before we lightly kissed each other.

I cuddled even closer to Zach and began to fall into a deep sleep, thinking that I was going to be safe for now.

I didn't realize my feeling of safety wouldn't last long.

a/n: hey guys! happy late thanksgiving to my american readers! sorry i didn't update sooner, i was busy with a lot of thanksgiving things! anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! thanks for reading,

<3 herronhasmyheart

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