Chapter 26

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Chapter 26-

Layla's POV

"Hey Layla?" Jonah started.

"What's up Jonah?" I asked him.

"I was thinking about announcing our relationship to the fans soon. I know it's kind of soon, and I understand if you aren't comfortable with it, but I'm down with anything you want to do," he said.

Jonah and I had been in Minnesota for about 5 days, and we had been dating for 5 days too.

"Yeah, I think we should tell them. I mean, before we even started dating, they commented a bunch of stuff on the lives we did about us needing to be a couple immediately, so I think they will be happy for us," I replied with a giggle.

"And if they aren't happy for us, who cares? I'm happy, you're happy, that's all that matters," he said with my favorite smile in the world.

"You're the sweetest Jonah," I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

We had decided to tell the fans on a live on Jonah's Instagram account.

"We should wait for a decent amount of people to join, and then we can just tell them," I suggested.

"Sounds good," Jonah replied as he set up his phone and hit the button to start the live.

"Hey guys!" he said as hundreds of people began to join.

"Hi!" I said with a wave and a smile.

After only a few minutes, thousands of people were on, so we decided to tell them.

"You ready?" Jonah asked me.

"Yep," I said as I squeezed his hand out of the camera frame.

"So, guys," Jonah began as he lifted our intertwined hands so the live could see them.

"I asked Layla out a few days ago, and she said yes, so we are now dating," he said before he looked at me with the sweetest face in the world.

"So I hope you guys support our relationship, and if you don't, I could honestly care less, because Layla is the most beautiful girl in the world, and I am the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call her mine," he said, while he never looked away from my eyes.

"Aww Jo," I said as I put my hand on his cheek and lightly kissed his other one.

I turned back to the live to see comments coming in so fast that I couldn't even read them. After a few seconds, they began to slow down and I was able to read a few of them to myself. Most of them made me smile or giggle but a few others were a bit rude, which hurt me a bit, but I was with Jonah so I was fine.

The comments said things like,



"my favorite people are finally together!"

"aghhh how are they so cute"

"ugh they are such a bad couple"

"jonah's mine, she needs to leave"

"she just wants the money and fame"

There were a lot more comments that were supportive or happy for us, but a handful said that I was in it for the fame or money.

Jonah and I continued to talk to the live for a few minutes before we had to go eat lunch his mom had just made us.

"We have to go now, but we'll talk to you guys later! Bye guys!" Jonah said as I waved and he ended the live.

"I'm so sorry," Jonah suddenly said as he began to rub my back.

"For what?" I asked him, very confused on what he was talking about.

"The live, all those comments. I feel so bad for putting you in that situation Layla," he said as he put his other hand on his forehead.

"Really, it's fine. I knew people wouldn't like our relationship, and that I would get hate, but I don't care. I'm with you, that's all that matters," I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I know, I just wish the fans weren't so harsh on you. I'm obviously happy, so if they are true fans, they should be happy for me too."

"Well they weren't all rude comments, the majority of them were really sweet and it seems like quite a lot of the fans support us. But no matter what they say, my feelings for you will never change," I said as I cupped his cheeks and lightly kissed him.

"I'm going to miss this," he said as we pulled away from the sweet kiss.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When we get back to LA, I'll probably have a lot of stuff to do with the band, and you have a bunch of stuff going on with dance, so we might not get a moment alone," he answered with a pout.

"No matter how busy our schedules are, I will always save time for you Jonah," I smiled.

"Lunch is ready!" we heard Jonah's mom, Carrie, call up the stairs.

"Coming mom!" Jonah called back as he grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs to eat.

After we ate the lunch Carrie had made for us, we decided to go on a hike so we could see more of Minnesota's beautiful scenery before we leave in two days.

As we drove over to the nature trail, I tried to delete all of the thoughts about the hate comments, but I just couldn't get them out of my head.

We made it to the trail and started to walk the trail when I finally started to forget about the comments.

I knew I was going to get hate, but I thought it would probably die down.

Little did I know what I had in store.

Cheyenne's POV

"It's our last full day in Dallas, what do you want to do?" Zach asked me as we walked around his neighborhood.

"Why don't we spend the day with your family? It will be nice to have a relaxing day before we leave," I replied with a smile.

"Sounds perfect," Zach smiled.

I was having such an amazing time in Dallas, I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had lots of important meetings and auditions and Zach has lots of things to do with the band. 

Although I didn't want to leave, I was very excited to see Lay and the rest of the boys, and just happy to be going back to LA.

How was I supposed to guess what I was going home to?

a/n: hey guys, hope you liked the chapter! thanks for reading,

<3 herronhasmyheart

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