Clockwork Prince

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Clockwork Prince....

I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you will not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life—whatever its length—happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life.

WILL:There once was a lass from New York

Who found herself hungry in York.

But the bread was like rocks,

The parsnips shaped like—

TESSA:You can’t rhyme "York" with "York." It’s cheating.

JEM:She’s right, you know. Especially with "fork" being so obviously the correct choice—

CHARLOTTE:There’s Will. Speaking of, where is Will?

JEM:Having a lie-in, no doubt and as for him being a witness, well, everyone thinks Will is a lunatic as it is—

WILL:Ah, having your annual everyone-thinks-Will-is-a-lunatic meeting, are you?

JEM:It’s biannual. And no, this is not that meeting.

JEM:I share Tessa’s view. I have never lived in anything but a city. I don’t know how I could sleep at night, not knowing I was surrounded by a thousand other sleeping, dreaming souls.

WILL:And filth everywhere, and everyone breathing down one another’s necks. When I first arrived in London, I so quickly tired of being surrounded by so many people that it was only with great difficulty that I refrained from seizing the next unfortunate who crossed my path and committing violent acts upon their person.

TESSA:Some might say you retain that problem.

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