Promise Me

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Three Days Later

Cassidys P.O.V

     Ever since the whole 'teleporting away', thing happened, I have felt really distant with the boys. They have been busy with interviews and band stuff. They just leave me behind with Brenden or Lydia. It was a Thursday afternoon and I hadn't seen the boys all day. I can't take this much longer. It was getting pretty late and Lydia was leaving the house. I quietly slid into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I reached in the cabinet for the razor I had been using. I rolled down my sleeve and allowed the blade to glide across my wrist. I silently cried as I watched the blood pour out of the fresh cuts. I guess I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to hear the front door open.

"Cassidy! I smell blood, are you ok?" Jack's worried voice questioned.

"I-I'm fine." I replied, trying to sound as put together as possible.

"That is a big fat lie. Please unlock the door." Corbyn pleaded.

"Why would you care? You have barely been here for the last three days. You just leave me with some babysitter." I spat.

"Cass. Please." Jonah begged from the other side of the door as I began to clean the blood. I acted quickly in an attempt to hide my previous acts. 

"Cassidy. Unlock this door before I brake it down." Daniels voice was quiet yet filled with anger.

"Don't get your panties in a twist." I sassed. Right as I finished my sentence, the wooden door broke down. I started crying even more than I already was. I didn't want them to hurt me. Thank goodness I had just finished cleaning everything up. I tried to push past all of the boys in the doorway. However, Jonah pulled me into a tight embrace. I squirmed in his grip, trying to get free. I was somewhat close when Jack grabbed my arm. I winced in pain as he grabbed onto where I had just cut.

"Cassidy, what did you do?" Jack questioned. I just shook my head and cried harder. I ripped my arm from his grasp and held it close to my chest.

"Cassidy you are bleeding. Please, let me help you." Zach begged while Jonah was still trying to calm me down.

"There is nothing you can do that will help me." I said in between sobs.

"I will give you a choice then. You can show us, or we will show ourselves." Daniel reasoned. I didn't like either of the options. I am so embarrassed by what I have done. I don't want them to know.

"She isn't going to do it." Corbyn stated, I guess he could tell by my thoughts. I looked at all the boys shaking my head, begging them to just leave me alone. When my eyes got to Zach, a wave of calmness washed over me. His eyes seemed so comforting. It took everything in me not to run to him. 

"Just do it, don't hold back." He instructed. Jonah dropped his arms allowing me to run to Zach. He then picked me up and took me to the living room. I was a lot more relaxed now, Zach gave me this very calm feeling that I couldn't describe. He sat us on the couch and all the other boys sat around us. I was still crying but by now my tears where silent. Zach put his hand on my chin, moving my head towards his. He then began to wipe my tears with his thumbs. 

"Cassidy, you are still bleeding, please let us help you." Corbyn begged. I began crying harder again due to being reminded of the situation at hand.

"I-I can't" I managed to choke out between sobs. Daniel then reached out to me and pulled my sleeve up, he did it so fast I didn't have time to pull my arm away. There they where, hundreds of scars, cuts, and the blood. There was so much blood. The boys just stared at me with shocked expressions slapped on their faces. 

"W-why?" Jonah asked, disappointment filled his voice. I couldn't make eye contact with anyone, I was too ashamed of myself. I just continued to cry. 

"Zach, Daniel, and Corbyn, rid the house of anything she can use to harm herself. Jack, come with me." Jonah ordered after a few moments of silence. Jonah then came over to Zach and I, he took me from Zach's lap and held me in his arms. I began squirming, attempting to get out of his grip. They where going to punish me. I don't want to go through that again. I thought these boys where different.

"Cassidy. We aren't going to hurt you, we just wanna help." Jack stated. I relaxed slightly in Jonahs arms. He soon set me down on the kitchen counter.

"Can you get the first aid kit?" He asked Jack. Jack looked through several cabinets and handed Jonah the kit.  Jonah began fiddling with items in the box as Jack rubbed my back. 

"How long have you been doing this?" Jack asked.

"It has been so long. Iv'e lost count." I sighed at the end.

"This may hurt, it won't last long though." Jonah stated, looking up at me. I just nodded my head. He began dabbing my cuts with a damp cloth. The pain wasn't strong but it felt good. 

"Cassidy, what was the reason behind these?" Jack asks, pointing to my fresh cuts.

"I have just been feeling so neglected lately. I don't want attention, don't get me wrong. This is just the only way I know to let out my feelings without hurting someone else." I state.

"Cassidy." Jonah sighs. "You can always talk to us. You aren't hurting any of us by talking to us." Jonah states each word with passion.

"Yeah. I am sorry about being at interviews for the last few days too. That is the busiest we have been in a long time. We have an off day tomorrow. We wanted to do something special with you." Jack added, rubbing my knee for reassurance as Jonah finished cleaning my cuts.

"Will you get her a shirt?" Jonah asked Jack.

Seconds later Jack returned with a 'Why Don't We' hoodie. I am thankful he got something long-sleeved. As I was putting the hoodie on, the other boys returned with various items in their hands. They put them all on the counter and collectively sighed.

"This was everything we could find." Corbyn said facing Jonah.

"Promise me you won't do anything like that again." Daniel pleaded. I couldn't look at him. I was too ashamed that I caused them this much trouble.

"Cassidy." Jack said as he grabbed my chin, gently moving my head to face his. "You will never, be a problem to us. We all love you. We would all do anything for you. Please don't think like that." He reassured, Corbyn nodded his head in agreement. 

"Group hug!" Zach yelled, trying to lighten the mood. Everyone surrounded me, wrapping their arms around me. I finally felt truly loved, I can't believe it took me this long to feel it.




Send suggestions please! I am so out of ideas I have no clue what to do. Also, thank you for all the love y'all have been showing the story! Thank you fro reading! Have a great day. -Ivey :)

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