Cassidy's Totally Tubular Throwbacks

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Cassidys POV

(still the night of the date)

"Have fun?" Jonah questioned from the living room.

"I had a great time." I stated as I smiled at Daniel.

"What are you guys doing?" Daniel asked as we made our way over to the boys who where all on the couch.

"Watching a movie." Corbyn informed, as Daniel and I sat on the couch with them.

"Aw, come on! Now I'm the only one who hasn't marked her!" Zach whined, I just shrugged in response.

"Dude, you gotta make a move." Logan encouraged.

"I'm going to go get ready for bead." I informed everyone as I rushed to exit the awkward situation. I made my way to my room and pulled out my phone. I put on my usual, Cassidys Totally Tubular Throwbacks playlist. I stepped into the shower and washed all of the sea water off of me. I faintly hummed along to the music and had my own mini dance party. As soon as I finished I turned off the water and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself and grabbed my phone, turning the music off. I opened the bathroom door to go to my closet. Eventually, I finished getting ready for bed and laid down. I was about to drift off to sleep when my door creaked open. Seconds later I felt the bed dip down beside me and an arm wrap around me. Due to the tingles, I knew it was one of the boys.

"Which one?" I asked whoever was laying next to me.

"The only one who hasn't marked you yet." Zach stated. I turned over to face him.

"I assume you came here to fix that?" I questioned. Zach was laying next to me, using his elbow to prop himself up so he could face me. He was shirtless, the blanket covered up to his mid chest.

"Only if you are ok with it." He smirked playfully.

"I've already been bitten four times, I don't think one more bite will hurt." I joked. Before I knew it, our lips where connected.

. (A/N: lol I didn't want to write her getting marked for the fifth time.)

My eyes slowly fluttered open as they got used to the morning sunlight. I glanced around me, remembering last nights events. Things didn't get to heated, it was just right. I wiggled out of Zach's hold and wrapped a fuzzy blanket around myself. Get your mind out of the gutter, I still have all my clothes on. Jonah sets the house to be freezing at night so its always cold in the morning. I waddled into the kitchen, only to be greeted by everyone else already awake.

"So, did he finally do it?" Daniel asked, all of the boys had anxious expressions.

"Yes." I sighed. The boys went berserk. Logan was jumping around the kitchen yelling at the top of his lungs. Daniel and Jack where doing some weird dance move. Jonah and Corbyn where continuously chest bumping each other while yelling. I remained in my spot, shaking my head. 

"What is happening in here?" Zach yelled as he came into the kitchen half asleep. Zachs appearance just caused the boys to go even more insane. They all huddled around him and kept patting him on the back while yelling. I think I'm getting a migraine. I turned around and trudged up the stairs. I went to the room farthest away from the boys. When I opened the door it was someones room. I never really go upstairs sense my room is downstairs, so I don't know whose. I was still exhausted so I laid on one of the beds and snuggled into my blanket. A while later I could feel someones arms wrap around me, I went to lift my head but was still exhausted.

"Shh, go back to sleep Cass." Corbyns soothing voice whispered in my ear. 

"You found her!" I heard Daniel yell from across the house.

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