Feeling Loved

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"What am I supposed to do now?" I ask no one in particular after a few minutes of us hugging.

"Well, we don't want to take you away from your mates, but we do want to spend time with you." Grayson states.

"We will make sure that she visits you often, you guys are also welcome to come over anytime you would like." Jonah says with a small smile across his lips. During my time here, I have noticed that Jonah is like a rock for the boys. I'm not just saying that because he is oldest. He seems to look after the boys and is like their spokes person. They all look to him whenever a certain decision needs to be made or something needs to be said. I think it's pretty cute.

"That would be wonderful, thank you Alpha Jonah." Ethan spoke, breaking me out of my daze. Wait, did he just call Jonah Alpha? I raised my eyebrow at Jonah.

"Jonah is Alpha of our pack. He is like our leader." Corbyn explains, noticing my confused face.

"Are you in my head again?" I ask, looking at Corbyn and Jack.

"What? No. Definitely not." Jack states in a very high pitched tone. Butt-Face.

Hey, that is rude. Corbyn says in my head while putting his hand over his heart.

Yeah, what Corbyn said. Jack says while copying what Corbyn did.

At least I don't look like a poodle, Jack.  I said  with more than enough sass at the end.

"OOO Jack just got roasteeddd" Corbyn commented making everyone else laugh.

Hey Cornbread, go eat your hair for dinner.

"How rude." Corbyn joked, talking like the little girl on Full House. I just smirked and walked back inside to the kitchen.

"Logan do you have any food in this apartment?" I yelled at Logan.

"1, you need to stop being sassy. 2, I haven't been here in weeks, so no." He yelled back as everyone came back inside.

"I think we should be heading home." Ethan began as Grayson and Jonah finished swapping numbers.

"Yes, we will call when our parents get into town." Grayson smiled.

"Please do." I said as I went to hug them. After they left we went home as well. In the car, I had to sit on Jack's lap since there wasn't enough room for all of us.

"I am exhausted." I proclaimed, letting out a large yawn.

"You do know you can relax, I won't bite." Jack chuckled. I rested my back on him, keeping my head up so I won't squish him.

"Shh, go to sleep." He cooed, gently bringing my head to his chest. I used all the energy I had left to smile up at him.

"I love you, Cass." Jack whispered as he kissed my check, my eye lids fluttered closed as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

The next thing I knew, I felt to strong arms wrap around me, lifting me away from the warm thing my body was rested on. 

"You can take her to my room." Jack  quietly told whoever was carrying me.

"Yep, I'll be back down in a sec." Jonah spoke, his voice was very close to my head. Confused, I lifted my head from whoever shoulder it was on and slightly opened my eyes.

"Shhh, go back to sleep Princess." Jonah cooed, rubbing my back. I just lazily nodded and laid my head back on his shoulder, falling back asleep.


"No one will ever love you." The man sneered, giving the girl a fat slap on the cheek. I grunted from the pain, trying not to show how much he hurt me, not just physically but mentally too. I had been here for two months and I still wasn't used to the pain.

"Worthless", another slap.

"Ungrateful", a punch to the gut, I fell on the ground from the impact. 

"Unwanted", a kick to the side. Tears began to spring in my eyes. However, I bit my cheek preventing them from flowing.

"Unloved", a blow to the leg. I had had enough. Tears began slowly trickling down my cheeks.

"Useless", a punch to my face, surely leaving a big mark. I just curled into a ball on the cold hard floor and cried. I honestly felt bad for the man, what could of possessed him to do something so horrible as this? Another punch to my worn out body snapped me out of my thoughts. He slammed my head into the concrete floor causing me to scream. Then, he just walked out, not even saying a word to me or looking back at my lifeless body on the ground.

"Shh, its ok. You are safe now." An angel? What the heck, I don't remember it happening this way.

"Hey, Cass, I need you to open your eyes. Look at me baby." It was Jack! My eyes flung open at my realization. Jack instantly pulled me closer to him and held me tighter. I wrapped my arms around him and cried quietly.

"I love you, that man from your past was horrible. Everything he told you was a complete lie." Jack stated while petting my hair. 

"I don't know what love is anymore." I cried into his chest. He gently placed his hand under my chin, lifting my head to look into his eyes. 

"Then let me show you." He whispered, seconds before slowly placing his lips onto mine. It took me a few moments to realize what was happening, eventually I began to kiss back. The kiss was slow, not too heated but filled with passion. I pulled away for breath, Jack and I stared at each other. 

"C-can I mark you?" Jack asked, nervously.

"Yes." I replied bluntly.

"Are you sure?" He asked once again.

"Absolutely positive." I reassuringly smiled at him. He smiled back and began kissing up and down my neck. When he reached my sweet spot I let out a slight moan. I felt him smile against my neck. Seconds later, there was immense pain radiating from the spot his lips where on. It didn't last long, and moments later it was replaced with unimaginable pleasure. After minute or two, Jack pulled away and kissed my lips again. 

"Do you feel better now?" He asked as he pulled away. I nodded my head as Jack laid back down. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, feeling loved.




Woah there Jack. How should I make the other boys mark her? Also, can we talk about how all of the boys now have hit one million on instagram?? Also, if you don't follow Christina on twitter, you totally should. Christina is just about the funniest person I know. I'm a Gertrude! Thanks for reading! Have a great day :) -Ivey

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