I'm Your What?!?

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Cassidys P.O.V

     My eyes slowly fluttered open as yesterdays events rushed back to me. I sat up in an unfamiliar apartment on an unfamiliar couch. I looked around the room, all of the boys where sitting on the couch, staring at me. This is Logans apartment. I quickly adverted my gaze to the floor, I didn't appreciate all of the attention. The awkwardness in the room wasn't making any of this better.

"Are we going to talk or just stare at me all day?" I finally spoke up, annoyance laced throughout my voice. 

"Sorry, we just don't really know what to say." Jonah stated, his voice barely above a whisper.

"How about an, 'everything will be ok, we don't think you are a creep Cassidy'? That would be really nice." I sassily remarked.

"Cassidy, you are not a creep. You are beautiful and we will work this out." Jacks voice soothed from beside me as he kissed my forehead. Corbyn sat on the other side of me, flashing me a reassuring smile. He draped his arm around my shoulders, instantly sending small shocks up and down my back. Within seconds I was once again relaxed on the couch. The calm mood was interrupted by Logans phone ringing, he stepped out of the room and talked to whoever was on the other line. 

"That was Ethan and Grayson, they are back in town and want to see you." He said, directing his voice towards me.

"Ok? Why would they want to see me?" I ask, scrunching my face up in confusion.

"Not sure, they said they had something important to tell you, they are on the way." He stated. I remained quiet while the boys began to make small talk with each other. A few minutes later the door bursted open, revealing two very tired Dolan Twins, hurriedly attempting to catch their breath.

"Cassidy- we- have- something- to- tell- you." Grayson managed to say between breathes. I got off of the couch and walked over to them. 

"Breathe, then we can talk." I spoke gently, trying to calm them down. They stood there for a few moments before finally calming down. 

"Lets talk on the balcony." Ethan suggested, I nodded my head as we walked over to the glass door. The boys began getting off the couch to follow us.

"Um, can we tell her first? Alone?" Grayson asked, turning to the boys.

"Uh, sure." Zach hesitated, going back to the couch. We walked out side, shutting the door behind us. I plopped down on one of the lovesacs in the corner, the twins soon positioned themselves on either side of me.

"So we need you to keep an open mind about this." Ethan stated, scaring me a bit. I slightly nodded, motioning them to continue.

"You are our sister." They both said at the same time. My mouth flew open and I jumped back in surprise.

"I-I'm your what?" I asked, knowing the answer just not being able to comprehend it.

"You, Cassidy Grace Wright, are our lovely sister." Ethan reassured. 

"But, h-how?" I gaped, my parents died when I was only a child, I don't remember my mom having more children.  (A/N: I just realized this doesn't make sense with the age difference. Lets just toss out the whole age thing right now XD).

"Ever since we where little, Mom and Dad never stopped looking for you. When Logan told us you where a witherin, we just knew." Grayson explained.

"As happy as this makes me, you can't be right, my parents passed when I was three. Logan killed them for clucks sake." I was starting to get a little frustrated.

"You can't kill a witherin, Cassidy." Logan piped up from the door.

"Well then why the cracker jacks would you tell me you killed them?" I yelled.

"I didn't know if they where still alive. I didn't want to get your hopes up if they where. I have been looking for them but haven't had any luck." Logan explained.

"What the heck is my life." I sighed, putting my head in my hands. Suddenly, tingles erupted on my knees, I looked up to see Jonah rubbing them gently. I passed him a quick, fake smile which he returned with a real one. The boys all stood behind him, sending me calming looks. 

"So y'all where born after I was taken?" I asked the boys.

"Yep, right after." Ethan stated.

"Mom and Dad never stopped looking for you, we never stopped looking for you." Grayson said.

"Where are they?" I asked, turning my attention back to the boys.

"They are currently in Dubai on a business meeting. Ever since Logan 'killed' them, they used it as an advantage to keep our family hidden and safe from the real world. If everyone thought all of the witherins where dead, they wouldn't try to kill us." Ethan shrugged.

"When will they be back? I would love to meet them." I smiled at the thought of finally having a real family.

"They are taking the next flight here. When we told them we found you, they where overjoyed." Grayson stated, stressing the word 'overjoyed'. 

"I love y'all" I smiled, wrapping my arms around my brothers.

"We love you too." They replied at the same time.

"Group hug!" Zach called. Soon enough I was sandwiched between eight boys, all whom I loved so much.




HOLD UP! WE GOT 3K READS LIKE WHAT THE HECK! Y'all are so freaking awesome and I love seeing how much you enjoy the story. Also, I deeply apologize for my lack of updating. My life has been extremely hectic lately with traveling, to school, to more school because it has consumed my life. Thank you guys for being patient with me. I love you guys so much!! -Ivey

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