I know So

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"We got something for you." Daniel smiled at me as we ate. I raised a suspicious eyebrow, curious as to what it was. Jonah got up from his seat and went to a room. When he came back, he was holding a small box wrapped in pastel purple paper. He held it out to me. I hesitantly took the box and began unwrapping it. When I tore all of the paper off I gasped. A phone! They got me a phone!

"Thank you!" My smile beamed up at them.

"Open it up." Corbyn smiled back. I opened the box and there it was, a brand new IPhone X.

"You shouldn't of." I was lost for words.

"Oh but we did." Zach stated as he moved over to help me. He plugged the phone into his laptop and set it up quickly. 

"All set Cass!" He beamed at me, handing me the phone back.

"Thank you." I smiled back at him.

"Dang girl, your gorgeous. Can I have your digits?" Jack asked in a joking manner. I handed the phone over to him after laughing for a good three minutes.

"Just pass it around." I told him. Eventually they all put their numbers in.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked the boys as I took the last bite of eggs on my plate, and put the phone in my pocket.

"Well, It's almost summer, wanna have a pool day?" Zach suggested.

"That sounds like a lot of fun! We haven't had a pool day in forever." Jonah exclaims.

"I agree, you guys down?" Jack asks, raising an eyebrow to the rest of us. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"Lets get this party started!" Daniel shouted as he ran up to his room to change. From there we all dispersed to change into our swimwear. When I reached my room I changed into this...

I always thought of myself as a modest person

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I always thought of myself as a modest person. I don't enjoy walking around showing everything off. I hope the boys aren't disappointed in my choice, the other 2 swimsuits they got me are much smaller than this. I was staring myself down in the mirror when I was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Are you ready?" Zach's calm voice asked through the door.

"Y-yeah." I hesitated, not wanting to go in front of the boys.

"Hey, you look beautiful." Zach stated, his voice almost a whisper as he opened the door and made his way over to me. He was in his swim trunks with two towels draped over his shoulder. When he reached me I was engulfed in a big hug.

"What is on your mind?" he questioned, his voice still calm and soothing.

"In all honesty, I'm scared." I told him, he looked down at me, locking his eyes with mine.

"If I could, I would always make you happy." He stated, causing me to become confused.

"I can't do that though. If you where always happy, you wouldn't have these hard times." He further explained, then it clicked. I remembered Zach could control emotions and feelings, the kid can really mess with your head.

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