Chapter: 7

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"Do you guys have any clue why Yuka acts the way she does." Jake looked at them rubbing his head. "Well yes we all have reasons the way we behave. Don't you boy.?" his voice was tick it gave Jake a fright. "Yes But Yuka in particular, she acts this way that no one even likes getting near her."  They looked at Jake. "So you wanna here her story" Jake looked up."Yeah if that ok with you." Jake felt a sweat come down his face.

"The girls pretty, smart, hard working and loves her mother. You see Yuka Is not just a child to some Wealthy guy, shes a princess. Unfortunately her father dosn't want that happening." Jake looked at them "A princess? But why dosn't her father want her to be one.?" he was amazed how a princess would behave the way Yuka did. "Its not that her father dosn't want her to be one. Not many no the secret of her fathers relationship and generations. Putting his Daughter as a queen i AA 1s like risking the only child he has. Yuka Bensmer is werth millions" The guy with the scar looke ad at the other guy. "Shes worth billions you mean" he corrected. "Well when Yuka was a kid she had to live on an island with Carl its the only way to keep her protected. Her father knew it wouldn't be safe taking her out but he did due to an important event occurring. He did everything he could to make sure she wasn't notice." The other guy began talking. "But news spread so fast. It was a tragedy. I cant believe how many people had to die. Well it wasn't the first time. Many people had struck Bensmer many times. And allot lost there lives. Come escape and no matter how much we try to track them down its useless"

"So you see Yuka had to go trough all that. It was the night of the festival Yuka's family and Agents were on there way to the celebration on that one car.Yuka's mother lovely beautiful nice gentle lady was there to. There was an explosion by the car. the agents weren't able to spot the intruders. The flame was allot most of the people in the car had escaped. Only Yuka and her mother was in there She wasn't burnt or anything she used her body to cover Yuka so she wouldn't be seen." They killed her. Shot her dead and left without a success. They found Yuka in there crying"

"Mommy? Mommy? Mommy wake up. its all gone everything gonna be okay. Mommy please wake up remember when you said you keep me safe? I'm safe mommy wake up.? 

"When we got to the car that's what she was saying we watched those tears fall out of her eyes and Cole was even crying. The guy with the scar looked at Cole. "Man up dude why do you always cry when i tell the story." Jake glanced  at Cole "I'm sorry but its so hard to hold in how Yuka kept calling her mother and she didn't wake up." Jake looked at Cole."So After the crash they examined how much damage she had. Unfortunately she had non. But Memory loss.The only things she can remember the most was when her mother died. And some stuff her mother had mentioned to her. The rest was all gone. She forgot allot of people and things she would do. "Wow that bad?" Jake asked. Cole continued crying "Yeah that bad The poor little girl never cut her hair after that. Hides that pretty face under  that long hair and never smiles." Cole said. "Well that's not her only problems if she doesn't get her memory back bad things can happen her fathers keeping her memory away from her till shes mature enough to take it in.

"Man up Cole" The guy with the scar said again."Oh okay" he said back to normal. "Well that's not only it, she seems to only remember the bad things that happen and blame herself. But most of all i can't believe her Mother died. That lady would do everything she can to help people, but that only hurts her in return. The damage that happens to her. She was so sweet if you worked to hard she'll tell you stop. She makes the agents play sports with her on Agents day. That's what she calls it cause she gives us a break. Shes always beat us at all sports and her smile makes us happy. Shes strong too. Sometimes we would bake with her then we would make a mess and start a food fight. I remember when Yuka would always steal my chocolate and give her mom to cook with. She would always say.  "Mr Blake You need chocolate to bake cake." She was so cute and sweet. She also looks just like her mother but dosn't let anyone notice it. 

"But most important never talk about her mother" Cole said "Cause saying stuff about her is the worst thing you would wanna do Cause her mother was like a child and fun and skilled. Lovely too, and saying stuff about her mother would trigger her bad side. Plus she dosn't say anything mean to you or tells her agents. She just fights you right there. She never actually not hurt anyone if they say something about her mother. Unless there's something she sees in that person.

Jake had a frightened look on his face is body sweating. It was still raining and they had just gotten into the hospital. He watched as the two men entered. Oh god i've gotta apologize to Yuka. I'm such and idiot. Jake thought he sat in the rain. waiting till Yuka dose come out the hospital if she was there.

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