Chapter: 4

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"Where'd she go?" Jake asked himself. He was still in his car waiting for the school to clear out. As he waited drops of tears fell from the sky. He watched as the weather quickly changed in to a flood of water bursting out of the clouds. I should look around the area to see if shes around. His mind thought. He started his car and drove out of school grounds. He looked over the close by neighborhood and drove around stopping to ask questions, yet there was know answerer's. As he continued moving he saw a steady image laying on a wall near an end of the area.

As he drove closer he quickly got out the car. It was Yuka and she was badly beaten. Her shirt was stained in blood, he saw a river of blood hanging down her mouth as the rain washed it off. Her nose had drops of blood also coming out. he carried her into the car as the both got soaked in water. every minute looking back at her to see if she was okay he felt a shiver go through him.


As he rang the door bell he saw her eyes open a little. "Are you OK" He quickly asked me.I couldn't see clearly. I felt his breath worming my face but also felt that i was hit by a freezing cold ice burg.

The Door opened. "Jake, moms been waiting for you to come home." a small voice came from inside. "Okay"  was what he quickly taught of saying. "Is that your girl friend Jake?" the little girl asked."No" Jake answered taking a deep breath." Bay tell mom I'm home. Don't let her know i brought someone home okay." Jake was out of breath and was on his way upstairs."Okay" Bay answered respectfully. " Try not making noise so she dosn't wake up. I'll put her in my room."Bay watched Jake fade away from her sight.

Jake opened the door to his room as the door creaked slightly. He gently layed Yuka down and entered his closet to find a dry shirt to wear. As he placed his shirt on he looked at Yuka again. Her skin was even more pale.He walked towards her and moved a slight piece of her hair, to feel her head burning like fire. He took her baggy shirt off her, causing her to only have a normal vest. You've got to be kidding me. Why would she wear a baggy shirt when shes so slender. I don't get her, she acts so different from  everyone else. everyone would be jealous of her weight but yet she hides it. Jake thought wondering why she does what she does.

He got a blanket and covered her and dryed her hair with a towel. As he tied her hair he realized how her faced looked.Apart from anything hes seen her face exceeded the look of a model and a celebrity and even Amanda. Jake didn't understand Yuka's behaviors. Please don't tell me your some model, he had a slight thought in his mind. Her hair was a long warm dark brown color, it was so dark it looked black. He saw that her face was never touched, except the fact that dry blood was still by the side of her mouth. Her lips pink, and her skin paler than before.

Jake left the room, walking slowly down stairs thinking of the consequences of bringing her here if his mother found out. "She has pretty long hair Jake"  his sister standing right in front of him. Jake looked down. "Are you okay, you look sick." Bay watched Jake as he continued moving. "Well dinners ready" Bay ended watching Jake walk to the dinning room.

Jake sat for dinner moving his fork in a circular motion not taking another bite of his food. "So how was you day." his mother looked at him thinking something went wrong. "It was good" Jake answered looking normal again. "Did you make friends" his mother continued asking. "Yeah" he answered taking a bite of his food. as he swallowed it down he continued talking. " I meat this really great girl. She got beat up today so i brought her__" Bay began to choke looking at Jake. He had forgotten already that he wasn't suppose to say anything, about Yuka. 

Bay stopped coughing and continued eating. "So where did you bring her" his mother continued, looking at Bay swallow another fork of food. Jake continued looking at Bay. He knew he went to far with what he was telling his mother. "I brought her home with me." he ended feeling a boiling magma about to explode from his mother. "You brought someone home! his mother was raged with anger slamming her hands on the table. She quickly got up. Jake continued looking at Bay, as she nodded to him. "Mother she got beat up" he quickly spilled out standing up. "I couldn't leave her there in the rain. She did help me out at school on the first day."

"Carl" they heard a sound coming from the stairs. Everyone faced the stairs."Carl" she called again at the edge of the stair case. Jake motioned himself towards her. As Bay watched her she was so excited. She taught of Yuka as a princess like she'd always dreamed about.

Jake's mother recognized her look but didn't want to say a thing but she had no clue who Carl was. "Jake" his mother said uncertain. "Who's Carl." Jake looked at his mom for a sec and looked back at her. "Its probably her brother." As Yuka continued moving he watched her move slowly down the stairs. She slipped immediately Jake faced her, finding him self on the floor. "Carl" she continued. "I told you i can help myself." Yuka's face still close to his. He caught a glimpse of his mother boiling red. As he turn back to face her, her lips landed on his. "Thank you for helping me anyway Carl." she got up looking dizzy. She couldn't see clearly so she stood still.

Jake got up looking at Bay, his face was read, not knowing what to do, he knew his mother was already angry plus what just happened. "Play Carl" Bay said."Pretend to be Carl and ask her where does she live." Jake turned himself back to facing her. He didn't know what to say his face turning purple. "Um mm Yuka, were do you live." Jake asked trembling. Yuka walked towards the door touching everything in sight, to guard her walking. "Okay Carl ill tell you. But wheres the car." she asked? Jake looked at his mother. His mother signaled him to use her black car so she dosn't notice anything.

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