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I stand trapped in an invisible prison,
Watch you walk away to do your thing.
I bite my tongue once again.
Can't bring myself to speak.

You waltz around like you own the place,
Laughing and joking,
Always a happy face.

But there are moments.

Moments when you're unseen.
Moments when the walls you've built between yourself and the world collapse.
Moments when you crumble.

Most people can't see you,
For when these moments come,
You hide behind an office door,
A smart excuse to escape the prodding questions.

But I see you.

I don't know you that well,
But I know people. And I know faces.
I know how broken you are,
How strong you are to keep it hidden from the rest of the world.

I, too, cower behind a toothy grin and a sarcastic remark.

You think no one knows.
You think no one notices,
Hears your silent plea for help.

Except for those times when you catch me staring.
Analyzing the deadpan despair that numbs your face,
The weary lines that carve themselves when no one watches.

When you look back at me,
My mind goes reeling.

Could we be friends?
What if we fought together,
Just you and me against the world?

But I'm too shy.
Wish you'd initiate.

But then you're shy too.
I guess we'll never know.

Poems from the Right BrainWhere stories live. Discover now