20. Dreams

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Hello my lovelies! Thanks for all of your support over the past few week. Check out the video of my buddy above and if u can show him your support!


"Just tell me now Bree." Nathan demanded.

"For your own sake I think it's better left for later. Now go to class." I said to him coldly.

"Fine, what lunch period do you have because, at the very least, you have to explain who the heck this guy is." He said pointing to Tyler.

"We have lunch A." I said as I grabbed his schedule from his hands. "Looks like you do also, so well see you then."

I handed his schedule to him and turned on my heel and walked quickly away towards my first period class.

Tyler and I walked side by side to our classroom.

"There's something I need to tell you Aubree, make sure you don't tell anyone about what I am. They'll know that I'm wolf and that's it. Just remember that my kind isn't widely accepted." He said to me in a barely audible whisper.

I nodded my head and entered the classroom.

I could already tell that this day was going to be awful because there I saw the shorter of the two jerk-off guys leaning against one of the desks.

All I could do was roll my eyes and shuffle into one of the seats furthest away from him.

The bell rang and the rest of the students filed into the classroom.

I leaned over the edge of my desk and grabbed my book from my bag.

When I sat back up the guy was sitting in the seat next to me.

I let out a quiet growl as I tried to ignore him.

"My names Brent. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I really didn't know that your brother didn't know. I honestly just thought that that sort of thing was an old wives tale."

"Well it's not." I said curtly.

I felt Tyler hand rub small circles on my back to calm me down.

"I assume he is your mate?" Brent whispered to me and he nodded his head in Tyler's direction.

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes."

Tyler chuckled from behind me. "Easy, little one, I think he's trying to bury the hatchet."

I grumbled as I looked down at my text book. "Fine, we're all good."

I really had to push down my newfound pride on this one.

I figured he could make a much better ally then an enemy anyways.

Shortly after the teacher began his lecture on the syllabus for this semester, but I began to tune out his droning voice.

Tuning out the teacher may not be the best idea but I had way more important things on my mind.

Suddenly my name was being called by the teacher.

"Yes?" I asked shyly.

"Aubree since your a new student to this school I was wondering if you would like to stand and introduce yourself. Maybe tell us an interesting fact about yourself."

I stood up from my seat and turned towards the class.

"My name is Aubree Kendrick's. My family moved here from Chicago about a month ago because of my dad work." I said in a quiet monotone voice.

I have always hated being the center of attention.

"Thank you Aubree and welcome. You can sit back in your seat." He said to me with a gentle smile on his face.

In that moment I realized he too was a wolf.

I didn't think that they would also have teacher here from the surrounding packs.

"And you sir, I don't have you on my attendance sheet. What is your name?"

Tyler stood up from his seat and addressed the class.

"The office lost my transfer paperwork so that probably why, but my name is Tyler Copeland. I just moved back into the area at the beginning of summer. I guess an interesting fact about me is that I like to hike."

Tyler was able to address the class with such easy that it made me a little jealous.

I sighed as I began to doodle on the corner of the syllabus that the teacher had handed out.

"So you must be a fan of the royal family." Brent whispered to me as he looked at my paper.

"Excuse me?" I asked in confusion.

"The family crest that your drawing, that's the crest of the royal family." He said looking at me like I was clueless.

"Oh, I was only drawing it because I saw it in a dream. I didn't know it was the crest of the royal family." I whispered back.

Brent's face paled after I told him and turned turned back towards the front of the classroom.

I looked over my shoulder at Tyler to see if he knew why Brent looked so upset at my comment.

When I did I regretted it.

The look on Tyler's face was one of annoyance and I had absolutely no idea what pissed him off so much.

I turned back around in my seat and went back deep into my thoughts.

Did I say something to make him angry or was it what Brent said?

After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out what made Tyler angry the bell for the end of first period rang.

Tyler nearly jumped out of his seat and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having dreams of the royal family?" Tyler said with a mix of anger and worry.

"Firstly, I didn't know that it was about that, and secondly I was going to tell you because in the dream I had last night I saw you standing over the body of someone who was wearing a ring with that symbol." I whispered to him. "You were covered in blood and looked sad."

"I need you to tell me everything that happened in that dream later. After school on our run for training you need to tell me every last detail." Tyler said as he tried to regain his composure.

I nodded and felt my chest tighten.

Why is he so concerned over a silly dream that I had.

It's not like it really means anything.


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