28. Gaze

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The walk back to Tyler's was a short one.

It only took us all on 15 minutes to reach his front door.

"I guess I'll call Mom or dad to come pick me up." Nate said unenthusiastically.

I gave him a short nod and laid on the soft grass to wait with him.

The sun was fully down now but I could still see my surrounding clearly.

"Hey Bree," Nate lowly said as he looked down at the ground. "Do you think they would take us away if they found out what we are?"

I lifted my head off the ground and looked up at Nate.

I wasn't sure what would happen in the future but I was sure that they wouldn't make Nate do anything he wasn't ready for.

Not saying they wouldn't  try, but I sure as heck wouldn't let them if he didn't want to.

I couldn't offer him any peace of mind so I stood and nuzzled myself into his side.

Hopefully he understood that whatever happens, we would do it side by side.

After a few minutes I could hear a car engine off a little bit in the distance.

so I gave Nate a quick nudge with my nose and ran off into the woods.

I didn't want to leave him alone with all of this new news, but there wasn't much that I could do in my current state.

I paced back in forth for a second as I let myself absorb all of this new stimuli from my surrounds.

Everything looked more crisp and colorful.

Everything's scent was stronger and more apparent.

I could hear ever last ground mouse scurry through the leaves and ever leaf crinkle in the wind.

My instincts were heightened to a level that I didn't even know someone could feel.

Tyler walked towards me from around a tree and stared at me straight on.

Even just a gaze from him made me want to be closer to him.

I slowly sauntered up to him, his eyes never leaving my own.

I could feel my inner wolf pushing me to make a bond with him, but I knew I had to control myself.

I shook myself out as I collected my thought.

I was going to enjoy this night, and experience everything it had for me.

I quickly turned and darted into the dark woods around me.

I could feel the wind rippling through my crisp white coat.

Tyler lightly nipped at my heels and we wove in between the densely wooded forest.

We soon found ourselves in the clearing that we originally met in.

I gracefully trotted up to the cool water to refresh myself.

When I turned around Tyler was laying on his side near the rock where we first spoke.

It was amazing to look at Tyler in his fur, I don't think that this life will ever cease to amaze me.

I walked over to him and laid down next to him, my fur lightly brushing against him as I did so.

I could hear Tyler give out a light huff as he sat there.

I could feel my instincts pulling me towards him.

The nearly full moon was now full straight overhead casting dim shadows between the trees.

Suddenly I could hear a faint rustling from a distance.

Tyler and I simultaneously jumped to our feet and let out low growls.

I could smell wolf in the distance.

Both Tyler and I knew that this could mean trouble.

I slowly took a step forward readying myself for what may come.


Hey everyone I know it's been a super long time since I posted but I had a death in the family and things have been a bit chaotic especially with the holidays. Hopefully I can get back to a regular posting schedule.

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