2. The Greek God

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Today is no different from any other day, do the boring stuff that is life and then go out to the woods to read.

Maybe today is the day that I find myself a spot, somewhere that I can go that will become like a second home.

I find it kind of sad to say this but it will probably be the most interesting thing I do all week.

Normally I just mosey my way through the woods until I get bored then sit myself down by a tree, but today I'm on a mission.

I usually only walk for about 5 or 10 minutes from the house but I think I'll go a bit further today.

Realistically I could walk an hour in any direction from our house and not encounter any signs of human life around if that puts it into perspective of how remote the location of our house is.

Today I'm going to be wild and crazy, I'm going to walk in the opposite direction I normally do.

Even just the though of how lame I am makes me chuckle to myself.

My life has become so boring that walking in a different direction is an adventure for me.

As I walk into the tree line I commit myself to not reading until I have found the perfect spot, the spot that will be my spot.

It's only around 1 pm so I have plenty of daylight to wander around and explore before it even begins to get dark.

My adventure begins! It's weird but for some reason my family has this natural talent for never getting lost.

We can walk through any crazy roundabout route and be able to find our way back with no problem.

It's almost like people from my dads side of the family have a compass built into our brains.

That's primarily why my parent have no reservation about me walking around the woods by myself. 

It's something that I'm super grateful I inherited.

As much as I hate how boring it is around here I really do feel like I can connect with these surroundings.

It's peaceful and quiet, 'more or less like me' I think as I chuckle to myself again.

I look down at my watch to see how much time has past, only about 20 minutes, since i left the house.

Since it's been some time and nothing looks interesting up ahead I cut straight to the right.

Something inside of me told me that this way would lead me to somewhere special.

I trudge along with my soft foot falls on the crisp grass as I blissfully think about beautiful sight that I just knew my body was leading me to.

It was almost like I was magnetically being pulled towards it.

Off a little bit into the distance I see a clearing. Maybe this is the spot, seeing as the woods are pretty dense around here a clearing would make a wonderful spot to call my own.

As I approach I can hear the like trickling of water and I can start to make out a fair sized mound of rocks.

I feel a spark of excitement in me, this spot will be perfect.

I emerge into the clearing and make my way over to what I now realize is a small stream.

I move forward towards the bank to sit against one of the large rocks and as I move closer I see that behind the rock there is a backpack leaned up against it.

I move closer to see if it was maybe an old backpack that some hiker left behind but it appeared to be new.

As I take a step back so that I can check to see if there is anyone around I back into what felt like a warm brick wall.

I cant help it but I let out what I can only explain as the most pitiful whimper-gasp.

Why do I have to be such a baby to stuff like this.

I swear you could make me jump out of my skin just by sneezing and this was way more surprising.

I quickly jump forward to regain my balance then quickly turn around to see what I can only describe as a Greek god.

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