25. Perks

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Hey everyone just wanted to say a quick thanks for all of your support. It means so much to me to know that you all want to see more come from this story. I also wanted to give a quick shoutout to Kal2512 without her this chapter wouldn't have been possible because I was super stuck. Lol well happy reading.

"I wish I could tell you how but I know very little about this life also. Heck, until a few days ago, when I met Tyler, I though I was normal." I said with a light chuckle.

"Speaking of which what is that guy to you anyways?" Nate asked while furrowing his brow at me.

I could feel my face redden at the thought of telling my brother the gravity of our relationship.

"Just tell him little one." I could hear Tyler say from off in the distance.

"How about you do it you eavesdropper." I said with mild annoyance.

"Do what?" Nate asked cluelessly.

"I was talking to Tyler. He's a ways off that way." I said as I pointed in Tyler's general direction.

"Alright, and you could hear him?" He asked in confusion.

"It's one of the wolfy perks, along with all of your other senses being heightened." I said with a hint of excitement that surprised me.

I actually felt like now that I had someone who was also new to this world, that I could gradually learn to accept and maybe even enjoy   all of this.

"I'm just going to be frank with you Nathan, and I'm sure you'll have questions about it too, but Tyler is my mate."

"Ya, I'm going to need a little bit more of an explanation then that 'cus my mind is going to some weird places because of the term alone."

"Well," I hesitantly started "a mate is kinda like a life partner. It's someone that was made for you."

I watched as Nate's face twisted in mixed emotions.

"Bree, you barely know the guy."

"I understand that, but it feels right. Almost as though he was always supposed to be a part of my life." I said as my face reddened.

"Well, just be careful. You don't know anything about his past he could be some psycho for all you know."

I laughed at the thought of Tyler having a dark past; he is way to nice to even consider such a thing.

"Thanks for your concern, but I think I'll be fine." I said as I started walking towards the school.

"Lets go back to Tyler's house. Him and I have plans to train, so maybe you could join us." I said over my shoulder.

Nate and I exchanged small talk as we made our way to Tyler's car with him following a few yards behind us.

"Nate, I need you to not tell Mom and dad about this. I don't think this is the life that they would have wanted."

I watched Nate solemnly nod his head.

I could tell that he also felt that news like this would destroy their world.

"It's probably better that way anyways." Tyler said in a consoling way. "I don't even know how the shift would affect and aged persons body. You mom could potentially die from the first shift or not be able to keep her wolf in check."

The thought of something happening to my mom gave me a chill.

"So when do I get to meet my wolf?" Nate asked trying to change the heavy conversation topic.

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