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"Craig, can you hear me?", Thomas asked.
The eyes of the robot shot open and a blue light flashed around them.
He removed the charging cable from his back and stood up.
"I can, sir", he said.
Thomas smiled, while dragging him downstairs, to the kitchen.
Then suddenly, he stopped and sighed.
"Wait..", the red-haired man began, "you don't even eat.."
CT blinked and nodded.
"I certainly do not, sir."
Thomas quickly shook his head, turned around and grabbed Craig's shoulders.
Craig looked up to him and began talking.
"Your grip is 28% tighter than it usually is, sir. I'm searching for reasons."
The eyes of the black-haired boy began to shine, while little displays in form of rectangles  began to appear.
Then, he mumbled again:"On the internet is says, it shows the nervousness or angriness of a person. It also says, a person, who grips hard, might want to tell me something important. Is there something, you want to tell me, sir?"

Thomas scratched his head and took a deep breath.
Nervously, he let go of Craig's shoulders and smiled.
"No.. I.. I just want to apologize for.. Maybe treating you like my son. I named you CT, because I wanted to call you Craig Tucker.
Yes, Tucker is my last name and yes, Craig was the name of my son.
He died because of cancer.
I just want to tell you, you aren't a replacement, you are you, okay?"
Craig's head tilted to the right:"I do not have a problem with being a replacement."
"No..", the man said, "humans never like to be a replacement. It makes them feel like someone else. You always want to be yourself.
Now, now Craig, here's an USB stick with your school route and time table.
I hope you have a good day at school."

Mr. Tucker gave CT a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"What was that?", Craig asked.
"Oh, it's just what people do, when they are very close to a person. Parents do that very often."
"Okay, sir."
Thomas shook his head.
"Call me 'dad'."
"Okay, dad."
Now, the red-haired man pushed the robot out of the door with the cute, little coffee cups bag.

Thomas waved and then closed the door.
Little displays appeared in front of his eyes again.
21 minutes to walk,
7 minutes with the bus,
9 minutes with the flying car.

Time table,
First lesson, math, but I have the principal first."
He began walking, while the displays began to close again.
"The bus will arrive in 2 minutes. Activate super speed. When he ran to the bus station, the snow behind his feet began to melt, he was running way faster than a normal human being.
Arriving there, the papers and homework of three children began to fly away, because of Craig's speed.

One of them looked very mature. He had a purple jacket on, while having black hair, that was a little curly.
The other one had brown hair, which was styled and a red winter jacket.
The smallest of them, also weirdest, had blonde hair, sticking up in many directions, a green, wrong buttoned shirt and black skinny jeans. He was holding a coffee mug, twitched and had the same bag pack as Craig.

CT decided to stand next to the twitchy guy.
"Hello", the robot said in a monotone voice, "my name is Craig Tucker, you can also call me CT. I am new here."
Tweek's eyebrow raised.
"It.. It's T-tweek Tweak.. B-but why i-is your n-nickname s-sea tea?"
"CT, like the letters, not sea tea, Mr. Tweak."
The blonde twitched and grabbed his hair.
"Mister? D-did you just c-call me Mister?"
Craig nodded.
"That is way t-too much p-pressure, man! D-dont do that!"

Without looking away, Craig stared deep into Tweek's emerald, green eyes and said:"How do I call you then, sir?"
"Sir?! Just call m-me Tweek!", Tweek whispered, "j-jesus, you're weird.."

Craig looked away and stared into the snow.
It was a cold, cold day.

Arriving at school, CT headed to the principals office and saw a tall man with a green shirt. He had the form of a stick and had glasses. The other man, next to him had blonde hair, a blue t-shirt and sunglasses. They were discussing something, until Craig stepped in.

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