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"See you tomorrow, Tweek Tweak."
"See ya!", the blonde yelled while waving and running in the direction of his house.
Craig watched, him silently entering his house and the snow flakes falling from the sky.
"I'll have a problem, if a snow flakes gets inside of me and melts", he mumbled to myself.
The boy went straight home and threw himself in the bed. He connected the cable with his neck and turned into offline mode.
His eyes slowly closing, he took one last glance at the door, expecting and kinda wanting that his father would come in and say good night.

Waking up in the morning with 100% energy, CT opened his bag, finding school books and a pencil case in it. As he took one book out, he saw a name on it. 'Tweek Tweak', it said. Craig immediately noticed, he did have the same bag as Tweek, he must have got his bag, which means, the twitchy boy had his bag.

The robot kind of got in a panic state, realizing what he had in that bag. Would Tweek find out his secret?
Craig ran out of the house, to the bus stop where they met. Tweek stood there, bag over his shoulder.
"He must not have looked in it yet..", Craig thought.
Tweek waved at him.
"Hey! Craig!"
Craig gave him a smile.
Not really a smile, just a bad impression of the pictures he saw on the internet.

"Have you noticed, we have the same bag? Funny, right?", Tweek laughed.
Craig nodded, averting his gaze.
He thought about how he could snatch his bag back.
Suddenly Tweek looked Craig serious in the eyes.
"Craig?", he asked.
CT's eyes shot open, he blinked repeatedly.
The eyebrow of Tweek raised.
He said:"Why the hell do you have screws and cables in your bag?"

'Do not admit that you're a robot' appeared in red in front of Craig's eyes.
"I have a robot at home."
Tweek scratched his head and gave him a suspicious look.
"Can I see him?", he asked.
Craig shook his head and replied:"No, I'm still working on him, you can't. Can I have my bag back?"
Tweek nodded and handed the bag to Craig.

"It's your fault..", Tweek whispered to himself.
Craig's hearing was excellent, so he heard it and said:"Why?"
The blonde twitched and looked at him.
"You heard that?!", he panicked.
Craig stepped closer and repeated:"Why?"
Tweek's face flushed red, he was looking in a random direction.

"If I'm with you, I'm all over the place.. I can't think straight.. I hate being near you, it's making me fuzzy and weird!", he shouted.
"You hate me?"
"I do!"
"I see."

Craig stepped back, letting Tweek his space. They both didn't change a word with each other till the bus arrived.

Because all the seats were taken, expect a row, Tweek and Craig had to sit next to each other.
The twitchy boy stared out of the window, pouting in a way. He rested his face on his hand and the eyes of his were showing the tiredness of his body.
Craig stared at him, waiting him to show a little reaction, because he earlier said, he gets a weird when he's around him.

"What are you staring at, dumbass?", Tweek said, clearly annoyed.
CT leaned in, his lips touching Tweek's ears.
"I'm just curious, if you're feeling weird right now."
"ARGH!", Tweek screamed, so the whole bus turned in his direction.
He flinched back and turned around, which made his face bump into the bus window.

"OW.. What the fuck, Craig?!"
"Don't apologize, do something!"
Craig searched the internet for things to do, when someone's hurt.
"Here it says, to kiss the wound."
Tweek stared at his face with confusion.
"What is 'it' and.. No!"
The robot leaned closer, kissing Tweek's nose three times.

"Oh.. My.. GOD", Tweek yelled at Craig's blank face.
The whole bus was staring at them, some covering their mouths, other taking pictures and most of them giggling.
Suddenly a brown-haired boy yelled:"Tweek and that new kid are going out!"
"Clyde, no!", Tweek screamed, waving his hands around at his direction.

As the whole bus was whispering and pointing at them, Tweek was slowly sliding down his seat.
"This is all your fault, idiot..", he whispered, blushing.

Arriving at school, Tweek ran out of the bus, hiding his face because of embarrassment.
Craig opened up the map of the school, seeing a green dot on his map. It was blinking. He decided to find out, what it meant.
As he entered the bathroom, where the green dot was located, he heard a voice saying:"I can't like him! I don't know him, I don't want to know him.. And he probably thinks, I'm rude. He may be gay, but he won't be attracted to a creep like me anyway. Nobody will ever be. Why must he be so damn hot?!
Retard, retard, retard!"

Then Tweek bumped his head in the door, followed with hopeless cries.
"Tweek Tweak?", Craig knocked on the door.
A sudden 'huh?' came from behind the door.
"Who are you talking about?", CT asked.
"Fuck off and don't talk to me anymore..", Tweek said while curling himself in ball.
"You weren't so rude when I first met you. Your style of language has changed."

"Yeah. That's the real me. And let me guess, you hate me now. It's always like this."
Craig jumped and climbed his way over the toilet door. Then he landed on the ground and saw Tweek sitting on the toilet, hugging his knees.

Tweek looked up, a tear falling out of his eye and immediately flinched back when he saw the boy in front of him.
"How did you- why the hell would you-?"
CT got on his knees and looked Tweek in the eye.
"I don't hate you", he said.
The crying boy wiped tears of his eyes and sniffed:"But you should, dummy.."

As they both left the restroom, a bunch of students were standing outside the toilet.
"Guys.. They just left the bathroom together..", Clyde yelled, his hand over his mouth, "what the hell have you been doing in there.. Alone.. In the bathroom.."
Craig searched in the internet for a response and typed in 'things to do alone in a bathroom'.
"We made out", he said with a monotone voice and a blank face.

Tweek next to him had his mouth open.
"Whaaaat?!", he screamed while grabbing his hair.
Suddenly Tweek smacked Craig in the face. A very strong slap.
Unfortunately, he hit his battery and it sank down and down, till it reached zero. As everybody looked at them blankly, Craig sort of fainted, because his battery ran out. The only thing he could hear was "Shit, you shouldn't have hit him this hard!" as he sank on his knees and slowly closed his eyes.

"Craig! Shit, I'm sorry, open your eyes!", Tweek yelled while grabbing his shoulders, shaking them, "wake up!"

Author's Note☕

Omg, this chapter is too short.. Sry, I'm so stressed😭😭
Anyway, I hope you kind of enjoyed this chapter, maybe?? I decided to make Tweek not the usual, innocent, sweet blonde, more the Craig-Tweek🤔🤔
He's much more rude, but I'll try and make him likable. Also, I think it's funny to watch characters like him fall in love lol

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