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"What d-does h-he mean b-b-by 'create'?!", Tweek stammered.
His whole head was shaking and spinning, he couldn't think straight. [I've been trying to make that joke for ages😂]
He was terrified and scared by the truth but most importantly he cared about Craig's well being and condition. When he heard footsteps coming closer, he quickly turned around 'continued' making coffee. Actually, he just began with it. He was too distracted to focus anyway.
"Tweek?" His father called for him, making the blonde's heart jump.
"Y-yes?", he replied, which was followed by a quick goodbye of the men:"I am going to the Tucker's. You stay here, I'll be back soon."
Then the door was gently closed.

Tweek didn't wanted to just be left in confusion and decided to quietly sneak after the mysterious men to Mr. Tucker's house. He felt like a cool assassin or something although he would feel very creeped out if someone followed him like this. He tried to be less suspicious by holding his spiky hair down while peeking through the big window in front of their house. His green, shiny eyes reflected on the glass and it was so cold, that his breath was blocking his view. Fortunately, he could hear tiny bits of sentences. Well, it's also UNfortunate. Depends in the way you see it.

It felt like a thread was wrapping around his neck, tighter and tighter, making it hard to breath when he saw Craig, lying lifeless in the corner. Like the oxygen around him disappeared at once. Grabbing his throat, he coughed, trying to gasp for air. The raven-haired boy sat on the wall, not a single movement and eyes half closed. The shining in his eyes was gone, there was not a single life sign in them anymore.
Tweek just prayed for him not to be dead.
And that his dad was involved in all this was
incomprehensible. How? Why? Was he a murderer now?
He left in full despair.

At home he entered his room and hugged his pillow firmly. He didn't know what to do, but if Craig missed school tomorrow, which he would probably do, because he is a.. A little.. Dead, he would visit the Tucker's and ask Thomas, where Craig is. There would possibly come an answer like:"I send him to a camp!" or "He is with his mother right now!", but that couldn't continue forever and he couldn't do something like that while there were no holidays yet anyway. Still, the boy could not even get an hour of sleep at this night.

• • •

His eyes were already open when his alarm clock rang. He stood up and jumped up and down. His morning ritual..
Running out of the house, grabbing a toast and stuffing it in his mouth and buttoning his shirt.. Wrong was also normal.. but today, he was extremely fast. Tweek's running wasn't very.. Pretty. More dorky, funny and stupid, which looked very weird running to school. Arriving there, he shook his head in all directions till he saw.. A blue chullo!
Again.. He ran there with full speed and stopped 1 cm behind Craig.
"Craig! Craig, hey! I didn't expect to see you today, how are you?"
Tweek showed him a bright smile that could light up the whole room. Surprisingly his eyed were as empty as ever.

".. May I ask, who you are?"

Tweek was like frozen, he couldn't move a finger. The green pupils got smaller after a failed attempt to speak.
"You're joking.. R-right?"
Craig's eyes were completely blue. But not light blue, they went into direction black.
The boy's face turned into an irritating one and he shot back:"Uhm.. Are YOU joking, because I am not. Excuse me, if you don't have anything else to say, I'm going to take my leave." Then he left and Tweek stood there, broken and hurt. "You're s-so c-c-cruel.. Right after t-the night, I thought w-we were s-something special..", he laughed, wiping away the tears, that streamed down his face.

".. At least you're okay."

The whole school day Tweek couldn't focus on anything at school and drifted away in his dream land at least 50 times per lesson.
He stared at Craig and couldn't figure out his behavior. Sometimes Craig even noticed him but gave him an annoyed look.
As the school bell rang all the students ran out of the room. Craig packed his things while Tweek rushed over to his desk.
"Craig, y-you don't remember w-what happened y-yesterday?"
CT quietly shook his head, not even glancing at Tweek once.
The raven-haired boy sighed and clenched his fists. Then he took Tweek's hand and pulled him out of the tiny room.

When they stood under the stairs, a very lonely place, students don't go often to, Craig smashed his fist against the wall, nearly hitting Tweek's face. Of course the blonde flinched and made an 'ACK!' - sound.
Then he began speaking:"Look, I've been trying to be polite to you, but you're just being SO annoying. I told you, I don't remember anything about the last few days but if you ask me about it one more time, I am going to Snap. Your. Neck." And left.
The twitchy boy twitched more than an average twitching boy, if that exists and slid down the wall.
Craig was a whole new person and Tweek didn't like this version of him at all. Was this connected to the thing he saw yesterday, at the Tucker's?

Tweek decided to head home first and make himself a coffee, to calm down. Arriving at home, he saw his dad reading newspaper and greeting him. He quickly sprinted to the kitchen and made himself black coffee. Not his favorite, but he felt like it. Suddenly he noticed a small chip on the table and picked it up.
"Feelings.. ? Dad, what's this?"
Richard looked up and then turned back to his newspaper, clearly not that interested in it.
"Just something, I wanted to throw away anyway. It was stuck in something and I don't even know why it was in there. Anyway, it just made problems and now I need to get rid of it. Actually, you can have it, son. If you want."

Tweek observed the chip and inspected it further. "Yeah, I'll t-throw it a-away for you", he said, going upstairs with coffee in his hands.
When he entered his room a wave cosiness hit him, a warm feeling of.. 'Home'.
He threw himself in the bed and stretched the arm with the chip out.
"What the hell i-is this-.. ..Whatever."
He aimed for the trash can but his throw was too weak, it landed in front of it.
As every teenager, he was too lazy to pick it up, instead, he buried himself in his bed, sleeping the rest of the day.

Waking up a few hours later, he rubbed his eyes and could barely open them. When he took a step off his bed, he felt like his feet were still sleeping so.. He tripped.
"F-FUCK.. !", he yelled, as his face slammed on the ground.
Lifting his head, he clenched his eyes together and put one hand on his head. Surprisingly he landed directly in front of the trash can, with the chip in front of it.
"The hell am I g-going to do w-with this.. ?"
He picked it up and again, he took a closer look but couldn't figure out, what or for what this thing is. He also didn't had any friends to share this with or to ask them about it.

"Oh my god."
Suddenly hr saw something very suspicious on the backside of it.
"You're. Not. Serious.", he covered his mouth with the hand, he put on his head a few seconds ago.
On the backside were letters engraved, that shocked Tweek so much, he had to blink 12 times before realizing what they meant.
'CT' was engraved in there.
Now, the question was, would he confront his father or Mr. Tucker with this or ask Craig himself? Well, both options weren't that great, maybe he would figure it out by himself?

Another thing popped into his mind, which should have been the first question.
"Why would Craig Tucker have a chip with 'feelings' on it? .. Oh wait, his robot. He told me at the bus station days ago, he is building a robot. Right.. Uhm.. Right? Anyway, I should give it back, if it's his."
He quickly sprinted out of the house, towards the Tucker's.
Before ringing the bell, he asked himself, if this would be a good idea but did it anyway.
The door slowly opened and a familiar face stood behind it.

"Craig, uhm.. Hey?"

Author's Note☕

Dear readers, I am extremely sorry for not updating. Since school is starting again, I do not have permission to use my phone..
I am currently working on my Stolovan Story, it's called 'FAKE'! Excited?

Originally, I wanted to end it, without tell y'all, what was written behind the chip and cut it off there, as a cliffhanger, but I hate cliffhangers myself, so I didn't do it, amen

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