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It's been a few months since they left. Living in a motel and getting money wasn't easy, but they managed. Their relationship was stable, maybe even boring. It was like old friends, being room mates.

Even Craig's mood wasn't doing well. He wasn't as cheerful or optimistic as before, no, he was acting weird. Especially when the topic 'future' came along. He felt hopeless, not believing he could actually be human one day.

Then, one day..

"Can we talk, Tweek?"

He flinched, it wasn't very common for CT to talk these days.

"S-sure, what's up?", Tweek smiled.

Craig stared at him blankly. His eyes lost all of its colors.

"Do you think people will find out I'm not human? At the hospital, when someday I get into an accident. It would get you in a lot of trouble. And unnecessary work. It's better to live a normal life, don't you think so?"

Tweek stood up and walked over to him. He knelt and brushed the black hair behind Craig's ear.

"What are you saying?", he said. "I need you."

He didn't seem convinced. It was clear that Craig was struggling with himself. He could never accept that he was a robot, no matter how much he tried no to be. In the end, his mind, his body and everything else was the complete opposite from alive.

After a long pause Craig spoke up again:"Did you know that I was based on Thomas' son? His name is Craig, he's 17 years old, loves guinea pigs and usually wears a bored expression. He ran away from home after his mother died because his dad started drinking. Do you know why I chose exactly this motel? Because I tracked him down."

The blond shook his head in confusion. What was the meaning of this?

"Why.. would you do t-that?"

"I figured that..", CT continued. "Maybe it would be better for you to date someone real, a human. Live a normal life. And since I was based on him I believe he would perhaps fall for you too. Like I did. I am just a copy, I'm sure you'd fall for the original as well."

Tweek's eyebrows wrinkled. He was not a fan of this idea at all, after all, Craig, this Craig right here, was the one he was in love with.

"Please don't.. say that.. I love you.. I need you, just you..", Tweek silently cried out and grabbed Craig's sleeves, his head slowly falling on his lap. Craig just stared at him. He didn't comfort him, pat his head or anything, he looked at him. Then he swallowed. He knew that if he'd have shown any kind of closeness, he wouldn't be able to let go. So he didn't. But secretly he was happy that Tweek said he was the only one he needed. It made him feel special.

Tweek continued crying. Craig continued staring. The night fell. It was a cold, dark night. And the sobbing didn't stop until the end of the night. Even the stains of his tears remained on Craig's lap until morning.

• • •

Tweek worked at a flower shop nearby the hotel. He was lucky to get a job he actually enjoyed. The sweet smell of flowers and the clear view of the city's busy streets were a treat.

The bell on top the door rang, a customer entered. Tweek was too busy, fixing the bouquet of roses next to him though.

"Hello?", a familiar voice asked.

Immediately Tweek's eyes looked up and met his.

"Craig? What are you doing here? You should stay at the m-motel and rest, I told you. Also, can we forget about last night? It was quite e-embarassing for you to see me like that..", he snickered.

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