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After a while, Tweek decided to visit his home and get some stuff to escape South Park. Also.. maybe confronting his father? I mean, if he wouldn't, his dad may have called the police.
Tweek's dad quickly turned around and gave him a gentle smile.
"What's up, son?"

"I'm sorry", he whispered, "I need to go. I beg you, please don't call the police.."
His father was confused and absolutely not okay with this.
"What about school? And why would you do that? You're way to young."
And even though he already saw this coming, he couldn't stop his tears from falling.
"Dad.. I'm in love."
He stood up and raised a hand:"Don't. How dare you? That's not a reason to throw away your future. Love isn't forever. It will leave. Just like your mom did."

Tweek's hands formed into fists.
"I know what you did", he blurted out, "and what you created may be a robot, but it has feelings too and can also feel love.. at least I'm planning on teaching him.. !"
Richard's expression wasn't clearly one emotion, it was many. Like anger, confusion and more..
His hand hit Tweek's cheek in no time, he even fell on the ground, his cheek swollen.
"You idiot. It's just a robot, why do you care so much about it?"

The blond stood up, supporting himself on the kitchen table still holding the place his dad hit him. He wobbled towards his dad.
"I love Craig!", he screamed while swinging his fist into his dad's face.
After taking a few steps back, seconds after being punched, his dad yelled:"How dare you?!" Then running towards him.

"You wouldn't understand! Since mom left you didn't care for anyone. Inside, you always thought it was my fault she died, you blamed ME. You don't have a clue about my feelings towards him, so don't act like an adult, because you clearly aren't one yet."
His dad was shocked. Such confident words came out of his shy, scaredy-cat-son, Tweek?

And the fact that he was right about every single word hurt him. He didn't know what to do, he wanted Tweek to have a wonderful future and be happy but.. did he include his feelings?
"I'm sorry. You're right, I'm not.. an adult yet.. I tried so hard to make you happy but in the end, you're the only one who can really know which path is the right one. And even if, you'd run away anyway, I know when you want something, you'll do everything to get it. I'd be no use to hold you up. I'm sorry.."
"Dad..", Tweek's face lit up.
He walked towards him and gave him a tight hug.
"I love you, dad. And I'm sorry for leaving you", he said and then he hurried up to his room to pack his things.

10 minutes later, Tweek was standing in front of his door. His dad was there to say goodbye.
"I'll come back. Don't worry, dad."
"Son..", Richard said, "loving a robot is.. complicated. Are you sure it's worth?"
Tweek smiled and quietly nodded.
When he left, Richard could feel tears dripping down his face. While closing the door he just whispered to himself:"Again. A loved one leaves me and there's nothing I can do."
The door closed.

Craig was standing a few meters away from the house and Tweek's dad could see them through the window, his son jumping towards Craig because of joy. CT's wide smile and happiness was clear.
He said to himself:"Well, maybe this is for the better", then sighing and closing the curtains.

• • •

"What do we do? Neither of us can drive and we don't even have car. We need to get out of here but can't use public transport or bicycles, we need to use something where we can choose where to go."
"Search on the internet, how to steal a car!"
Craig stared at him in disbelief.
"We can't steal a car, that is a crime. And the person we are stealing from would probably be sad. I'm disappointed of you for even considering an idea like that."
Tweek let out a long sigh and let his body fall in the snow. He looked up at the sky, watching the snowflakes dropping from the sky. CT just patiently stood there, watching snowflakes melting on Tweek's cheek.

"Say, aren't you cold?"
Tweek didn't even look at him and continued staring at the stars.
"Yeah, I guess", Tweek answered.
Craig was incredibly confused as to why he didn't just stand up instead of laying in the cold snow.
Then he knelt down and took Tweek's hands, pulling him into a sitting position.
"What are you doing?"
Craig hopped on his lap and hugged Tweek as tight as he could.
"I was going to increase my body temperature but it seems like your body is becoming rapidly hotter. Are you okay?", Craig asked concerned.
"That's because.. ! You.. !"
Clenching his eyes together, Tweek pulled CT closer and buried his face into his shoulder.

"Don't leave me. Ever", he whispered.
"I don't make promises, Tweek."
"Promise me."
"I said I-"
"Please, just.. Just for this moment.."
".. I promise."

They sat there for quite a while.

Author's Note☕

I took a very long break from wattpad and I don't know if I can be active again. just.. I want to start so many stories so I'm very sorry if you expect updates from old stories. Because they will take a while. I don't know what to do with most of them and well🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Happy new year, thanks for sticking around☆

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