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I woke up on the hard and stiff bed, my body was sore from my head to toes. I was sure that it was the middle of the night, because of how dark it was.
I sat up, every bone in my body cracking in the process.
I wasn't usually scared of the dark, but something about it unsettled me.
I looked around for a clock, so that I could see what time it was, and how long I had slept, but couldn't find one. Then I saw that the door was shut, and started to panic.
I jumped up, and ran over to it.
I started to pull and tug, but it was bolted, and I was locked in.
After a second or two to take it in, and a couple of deep breaths, I turned around and leaned back on it, then slided down to the floor.
I had, had enough of everything, and my body couldn't handle my emotion anymore.
I waited for the light show to begin, but it didn't, i just bursted into tears, holding my hands to my face, whilst leaning against the door.
My face was saturated, and my vision was blurry, but I couldn't stop crying, so I just allowed it go on and let the tears take the stress out with them.

Something made me stop, I'm not exactly sure what it had been, whether it was a sound, or a thought, or maybe I saw something, but I stopped and sat there, silently breathing.
Then I found out what had so secretly caught my attention. There were electric bolts, spreading through the room, but they weren't coming from me. My heart leaped into my throat, and thudded rapidly.
The mysterious bolts stopped and then started again. I then noticed that the bolts were trailing behind something that was scuffling along the floor really quickly. All I could see of it was a dull silhouette. I was scared, and I felt the tears come back into my eyes.
I was in a small room with an unidentified creature. I had nobody knowing where I was, and no one to call to come and help me.

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