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Bookstore, 2:30 P.M
Yup.. as I thought.. he's here with me, Again. sigh.

At least, I can find the books I need. Umm.. I remember the book is not in this shelf maybe over.. there? I forgot the last time when I see the book. Or maybe overthere. Umm.. "need help?" he asked.

Kyah~! He scares me. He appear from nowhere. "geez, stop scaring me. Make my heart hurts you know!" I little bit push him back. He laugh.

"haha, sorry" His laugh like hiding something..

"i-I need book that for review my next assignment.." I said.

"mm.. I see. What's the title ?"

Oh yeah, what's the title I need? I forgot! "uh.. m-maybe.. ecomonics..?" I doubt it. I don't even know what books I should buy. Geez, this is embarrassing.

"I see. Let me find for you okay. You go overthere, I look overhere" he.. helping me again and again. "y-you don't have too.." just let me pay him one by one.

"don't worry. you here with me, its already paid for me" wha- what did he just say? And why.. am I BLUSHING AGAIN?!?! And his hand rubbed my hair. And he go other way to find the book. And I keep blushing. What's this feeling. Ugh.. nevermind I need to find book first.

 nevermind I need to find book first

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Café Janice, 4 P.M
Darn it. This place is awesome! I like the decoration. Make me so comfortable more! It feels like I didn't want to leave. "this place remind me something" he looking down and smile. "remind me when I take your sister here" uh.. is he. .talking about my sister in the past? "she was happy when I take her here.

"Her laugh, her smile, her spirit. Makes me love her morel and now he looked straigth to me.

"but everything is so different. She didn't told me that she were out for work" what? Seriously? She didn't tell him that?

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