• 15 • Another Shot

96 7 3

Apartment, in the same tim. 4 P.M

"Hmm, i should check—"

Someone knocks the door.

"That's.. weird.."

Im wondering, whos knocking the door. Maybe its sister or mg aunt. But wait, ny sister says, she will be out till midnight and my aunt is none of my business. Which mean she's out.

But who? Avery?

"Hold up, im coming"

I doubt it. while i tried to open the door, i heard footsteps. And i see the shadow below the door. Its more than a person. Its a dozen of them. Slowly getting back and try to hide.

I ran into my room as i hide inside the wardrobe.

Not for so long after i hide, they break the door and comes in. The boss tells his monkeys to search all room.

I hope none can found me here.

"There's nothing here"
- Alex -

"Same here"
- Penetrian -

"Try open the wardrobe. I'll go check the other one"
- Albert"

Oh shot! They gonna break me in! What should i do?! I'm panicked!

I hold my breath as long as i can. And keep praying for me.

Fortunately, the boss told everyone to leave. Cause police are on the way to my apartment. They quickly to get out and find exit.

And finally i can breathe.

"That was so close.."

Slowly i step out from the wardrobe and try to look around. If everyone is leaving.

I sigh. Finally they're gone. And im totally safe from the attack.

Yet, everything looks so mess. They breaking several stuff. And took my sister watch. I hope she wont get mad to me.

The question is, where are they come from? How they know my place? And why? Why should be me? My head full of questions that i need detailed answer. Oh god geez

This is so hard for me.

"Am i safe now or..?"

I heard police are coming. Come out from the emergency stairs. And go straight forward to my apartment.

"Richie! Richie!"

That voice. Avery.. should i make appearance In front of him? Or should i just hide myself? But.. didnt want him to be more worried about me.

"I.. im her—"

He hug me. Hug me. Hug me so tight.

Yet, i feel his tears. In my shoulder. And rain began to fall. Thunder. And i can feel everything at once. Especially him. Avery..

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