• 16 • Unravel

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[ Next day.. ]

Literature club, 10 A.M

Ugh.. i cant stop thinking about yesterday. So bothering my both mental and physical. I tried so many things to distract my head from those. But none work. Geez, should i just bang my head? And why avery wasn't told me about his true identity?!

I.. i mean.. that's not necessary but still, makes me so curious and wonder. Wondering why he would be like that? And hiding it from me and my sister and everyone? Just why?

Ugh.. see. This is why i cant focus on something that i need to do.

"Richie, are you okay?"

Senpai notice me.

"Y- yeah! Im totally fine! See?"

Quickly to stand up and pump up my muscle. Even its just a lie. Im not okay at all. Honestly. But? What can i do then? Calling police? Calling army?

Tsk, makes more trouble. What stupid of me.

"I'll go get some drinks for us. Be right back"

And now i owe my senpai. I think i just make my senpai worrier. But i dont know why. Or its just me who literally looks so depressed?


"I need air.."

I stood up as i open the window.

"Haa.. i need a break. This is so on higher level. I cant do this anymore"

This is how I feel right. Depressed? Maybe. Headache? Kind of. Stressed? Obviously. Maybe i should invite my friends and hang out somewhere to refresh my head off. Or throwing off this vibes. I'm suffering. Help.

"Thank you for waiting"

Senpai is back.

"Here. I got orange juice for you. Hope you like it"

I take the juice as I thanked my senpai. I put my straw on it and slurp it.

"Haa.. this is something"

Then, i back to my seat and took out my wallet.

"How much for this orange juice? I need to repay you."

My senpai shake his head, which is a no.

"Nah, you dont need to. Beside, dont act so formal. We're same here."

I nods. Maybe i'm little bit too formal. Well, sorry for that. My sister teaches me how to be a good boy with good attitude.

"Oh yeah, yukisaki got something for you"

Eh? Yukisaki-kun got something for me? That's.. new for me. I mean, i just joined this club past few days ago.

"Y- yukisaki kun got present for me?"

"Yes, i think he puts over there. Just open the  drawers and you'll see the package inside"

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