• 12 • Another Wheel

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3 days later

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3 days later..
Apartment, 9 A.M

"Richie, can you put all the laundry away please?"

My sister calling me out to take out all the laundries and wash it immediately. Argh, what a job. This is my life. Life of apartment. Well, i mean, i cant leave everything on her. Beside, she's just went out from hospital and back from her sickness. I dont want that thing happen again.

"Alright. But, is it okay if i use the washing machine instead?"

"Well, whatever. I think its fine"

"Are you sure?"

"You doubting me? Just try. And turn it off if something happen"


Geez. She's turning into hard-headed! And litte bit aggressive. Yet, she still curious and wonder what exactly happen between me and Avery. Even i already told her, there's nothing to worry. And there's no suspicious activity between me and him.

Well.. he almost got me.

"By the way ric, you dont have to cook for tonight"

"Why? Are you goin out?"

"Yes. Tonight i'll be with avery. So i dont meed you to cook. Unless for yourself. Is that okay?"

"Dont ask me if im okay"

"*giggles* fine then. I'll be back at midnight. Promise"

"Dont do anything crazy. Im worried you know"

"Pfft, what am i to you? A kid? So funny. No need to worry kiddo. Everything will be fine"

Then she pat my head and kiss my forehead as she leave me into her room. Haa~ she's so nice. Yet, she's kinda devil right now. Well, whatever.

 Well, whatever

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