lost in my thoughts

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brooklyn pov

damn I can't stop thinking about her! she's like her brother Rye, funny, taking care of others and good looking! I did asked her out but never got an answer when. maybe I need to send her a text message:

me: hey goreous!
my princess: hi brooky! whut's up?
me: you know just chilling! but about yesterday
my princess: yeah?
me: you never gave me an answer.
my princess: about what?
me: about when you're free to go on a date with me^^
my princess: oh haha sorry brooky xx
me: haha no problem Sunshine x
my princess: hé! that's my thing to say!!
me: oh sorry princess!
my princess: haha never mind! but I'm free tomorrow how about that?
me: sounds good to me honey bee xx
my princess: haha damn that sounds awful but i'll see you tomorrow then xx
me: yeah see you tomorrow princess xx

Rye came in the room and asked me why I was smiling. I said because I'm Always smiling! he said: 'haha really funny, but for real this smile is different though! is it a girl?' haha maybe I said. 'so it is! what's her name?' Rye asked me. I didn't reply so he kept asking me so I had to answer it. ok if I tell you her name will you promise me you wont get angry? 'ok i'll promise!' he said. 'well her name is Samantha but you can call her sam' I said to Rye. 'wait what! my little sister? hahah no way! is that why you wanted her number?' Rye said 'hahaha kind of... but Rye I really like her and I will take really good care of her I promise!' I said to Rye. 'hahah I know brook and I'm glad it's you she talks about and not a stupid guy from her class or something!' Rye said. 'haha so you aren't mad at me or something? well thank you!' I said. 'haha no problem brooky you will be amazing!' said Rye 'hahah your sister calls me that!' I said. 'well I'm not saying that anymore' rye said. 'haha good because it sounds weird out of your mouth!' I said and by that our conversation was over. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and looking what I'm going to wear tomorrow for our date and this is what I was going to wear:

 I went to the bathroom to take a shower and looking what I'm going to wear tomorrow for our date and this is what I was going to wear:

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I'm really nervous for tomorrow but it will be alright I hope...

The next morning

I'm really nervous for today tho... but Rye calmed me down. 'Don't worry Brook she's just a gril!' Rye said. 'Just a girl?! Rye are you serious? She's amazing! And your sister!' I said angry. 'Hé calm down buddy! I was just joking around😂.' Rye said. 'Haha ok but do you think this will work between us?' I said to Rye. 'Hmmm I guess so, she does like you tho I can see it in her eyes! So don't be afraid.' Rye said. 'Well thank you Rye! You are an amazing friend to me!' 'Haha no problem buddy you're my best friend I will do enything for you.' Rye said. I went to the bathroom and got ready for my date😏 when it was about time to go to her house I almost forgot to ask Rye where they lived😂 so I went to Rye and he gave me the adress. Now I was standing at her front door I was afraid to ring the bell. When I got my shit togheter I ringed the door bell and her dad was answering the door. 'Hi mate you must be Brooklyn?' Her dad said. 'Hi sir, I'm Brooklyn nice to meet you.' I said nervous. ' son there is no need to be nervous I wont bite.' He said with a straight face. 'Haha ok!' I said quikly. 'Come in, she isn't ready yet.' He said. 'DAD I'M READY!' I heard Samantha scream from up stairs😂 'you can go up stairs boy.' Her father said. When I was on the first floor there where manny doors and I didn't know wich it was so I just called her and she came out of her room and I think I droped my jaw because she looked amazing! This was her outfit:

 When I was on the first floor there where manny doors and I didn't know wich it was so I just called her and she came out of her room and I think I droped my jaw because she looked amazing! This was her outfit:

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I really love her style because it's not to girly and I like that! She gave me a hug and I could smell her parfume! It was delicious😂 'you look amazing brooky!' She said. 'Well thank you my princess! You look gorgeous too!' I said. 'Are you ready to go sam?' I asked. 'Yeah! Lets go!' She said. We went down stairs and we said goodbye to her parents. We sat in the car and I drove to the park what she didn't know. 'Sooo... where are we going?' She asked me. 'To the park and after that I've got a little suprise for you.' I said. 'Whut a suprise no way! Why?' 'Well because I really like you and love to see you smile!' I said. 'Haha brooky you're so cute! You know that!' She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek! I felt my cheeks heat up so I turned the radio louder😥
When we arrived at the park we found a good spot amd sat down. We talked for a while and we laughed a lot! I had the time of my life! After 4 hours I said to her to come with me back to the car amd she did. I drove to a little restaurant. 'OMG is this my suprise? How did you know this was my fave?' She said. 'Haha no this isn't it yet! But I love this place and now I know you love it too! So that's great!' I said. 'Wait still not the suprise? What are we doing next then?' She said. 'Well that's the suprise! Hahah.' I said to her. 'Aaah I can't wait!' She said with sparkly eyes. We went inside and sat down at a table next to the windows. We ate our things and 2 hours later we were finished. We wemt back to the car and before I wanted to start the car she grabed my hand. 'Thank you for everything brooky!' She said with tears in her eyes! 'Oh no don't cry princess!' I said. 'Haha I can't stop it! No one did those things for me! And I'm really thankful for that and you needed to know that!' She said with a little smile. 'Haha I will do enything for you, you know that?' I said. And she wanted to say something but insteat she grabbed my face and kissed me! First I never kissed before! So I didn't know what to do! But then I just go with the flow and it was great! After a while I stopped. 'Why?' She asked me. ' because were are going to be late hahah!' I said. 'Well lets go then!' She said. So I drove a little faster than I should be driving. After a while we arrived at the cinema. 'WAIT ARE WE GOING TO THE MOVIES!' She screamed. 'Hahah yes we are!' I said. 'Wich one?' She asked me. 'Well your brother told me you wanted to go to IT but you had no one to go with right?' I said. 'Well today it's the day you're going to IT with me!' I said. 'Aaah no way! Thank you so much brooky! You're the best!' She said. We went inside bought some popcorn and coke and the movie started. The movie was so awesome! Stephen king is a really good movie maker! It was almost 1am when we were done with the movie. I drove her home and before her house she kissed me again! This is the best day of my life! We said good bye and she went inside. When I was home the boys came to me and asked me everything. I told them most of the things exept the kissen ofcourse because her brother was asking me. We all went to bed when I got a text message:
Rye: brook I don't believe you tho!
Me: uhm about what?
Rye: you did kiss my sister, don't ya.
Me: haha damn it how did you know?
Rye: because I know you too well brook haha!
Me: haha are you mad right now?
Rye: ofcourse!
Before I could answer:
Rye: not. I mean ofcourse not haha! Don't worry brook it's her life and yours! Who am I to judge!'
Me: haha good! Welk thank you for everything she loved it'
Rye: glad to hear that! Good night brook!
Me: goodnight rye!
And by that our conversation was over. Before I was going to sleep I wanted to say sam goodnight.

Me: goodnight princess!
My princess: goodnight brooky thank you for everything!
Me: no problem! Hope I'll see you soon gorgeous xx
My princess: what about tomorrow?
Me: sounds good see ya tomorrow x
My princess: see ya xx
Me: goodnight princess! Xx
My princess: goodnight sleep thight and don't let the bed bugs bite! Goodnight brooky xx.

And by that I went to sleep with a heart full of love!

Thank you for reading this chapter 1548 words my next chapters will be aroud that manny words. See ya next time xx

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