what's the next step?

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we are now 2 years later, brook and I decided 2 years ago to go our own way until we figure out our life. after the death of our daughter we both were so broken. we fought all the time so that was the moment we decided to go our own way!

I tried dating some other guys but deep down I still had feelings for Brooklyn. I saw him sometimes when I came to visit my brother but we didn't say shit to each other. I live on my own now! well not on my own.... Azka lives with me! oh and by the way, Azka and Mikey are dating for 1,5 year now! my life is just like it was before! going to school, work and sports. while I was dating my ex boyfriend Ryan Robertson (ex boyband member of overload) he gave me the motivation to start to sing. I dindn't do much with it because I was way to busy with school! 
I'm in my last year! maybe after this year I can do something with my voice!
it was almost my birth day! so this is going to be a big party! Azka her birthday is 5 days before mine. so we decided to celebrate it togheter.
next week is our big party! I'm turing 21 ans Azka is turning 20. 

today is the day of our birthdays! we both decided to celebrate it in a pub because we didn't want our house to be dirty. our guests came around 10pm and I was having the best time of my life! I saw all of my friends. around 11pm my brother came with te rest of the boys. mikey was here already to help us decorate the pub. I was a little drunk already and I forgot that brook was here as well... out of no where I felt 2 hands on my hips. I turned around and I looked right in the beautiful eyes of brooklyn. 

Brookyn: happy birthday Sam!
Me: thanks brooklyn!
Brooklyn: having fun I see?!
Me: that's right! want to do shots?
Brooklyn: sure why not!
*we did a few shots and we went to a room so we could talk*
Brooklyn: how are you doing?
Me: I'm fine! it took a while but I'm finall happy again! what about you?
Brooklyn: I thougth I was fine. but I'm not...
Me: oh and why is that?
Brooklyn: can I be honest with you?
Me: ofcourse!
Brooklyn: well, after the hardest period of my life I stared to date a girl, just to get over you... but it didn't feel right. nothing felt right without you! so I started to drink and I was a mess.
Me: oh brookl...
Brooklyn: you know I never stoped loving you! I'm sorry but I just had to say it before you could say someting to me that would break my heart! I would love to try it again! 
Me: well I'm going to america for a year... so I wasn't planning to start dating again... I'm sorry brooklyn!
Brooklyn: I can wait another year for you Sam! 
Me: maybe you should take this year for yourself to figure out what you want! If you are still in love with me or you are just drunk. I'm going back to Azka. talk to you later brooklyn...

I went back to the main room of the pub. Azka asked what happend so I explained to her. 

Azka: girl! you 2 should come back together! you still love him right?
Me: I don't know! I was a mess when we broke up! I'm finally happy and I don't know how I will end up. this time I want to choose myself before someone else!
Azka: maybe when you're back from America you could try It again....
Me: Azka!
Azka: what I'm just giving you options! 
Me: yeah yeah! what ever! shots?
Azka: hell yeah!

is was around 12 when I was so drunk I can't remember a thing! but Azka did! she tolf me everything. well here we go...

Brooklyn came to me and tried to make a deal with me, If he is still in love with me when I'm back from Amercia and I feel the same. that we are getting back together... after we closed the deal we went to the bathroom and yeah... it got hot and spicy in there.

We went to the bathroom where we kissed, he softly pushed me against the wall and started to kiss my neck, he took of his shirt and did a little dance (typical brook) then he took off my shirt en kissed me again. While kissing me he tried to un clip my bra, kissed me down the neck to my collarbone, down to my chest and my belly button. Took off my pant and thong, he is a really good tease! He lifted me up and went straight in! I didn't remember it was that big! It was amazing! After a good 20 minutes  we both got dressed and went back to the party, just like nothing happend...

Azka: bish! He gave you the D didn't he?!
Me: shut up! I don't want to talk about it!
Me: but it was amazing!!!
Azka: I knew it!

Mikey: gurlll! Brook told me everything!
Me: oh shut up mikey! It was a one time thing!
Mikey: does brooklyn know?
Me: he knows I'm leaving so it is his own fault!
Mikey: tea sis!
Me: shut up!!

It was around 5 am and the only ones left where azka, mikey, ryan(sonny) and I. Cleaning this shit hole up! We crashed at my place after and didn't wake up until 1 pm! After we woke up  wen went to get breakfast. Or lunch just something to eat! In a few days I would leave to go to amarica with sonny and blair to focus on my voice.

Me: I'm going to miss you Az!
Azka: same!...
Me: don't be sad! Time will fly by! Tomorrow I will go see my family and the boys and will you take me to the airport?
Azka: ofcourse! Now pack your stuff bish and leave!
Me: love you too!

It was the day that I was saying good bye to my family and friends! It was hard but it will be okay
My family is coming to the airport with me so I'm good but I had ti day good bye to the boys!

We arrived at the boys house (aka hogwarts) it was time to leave
I gave all of them a mahoesive hug (real roadies know!)

Jack: take care of yourself please! Call us every day!
Me: I will! I'm going to miss you!!

Andy: you are going to be the new best pop singer we will know! I'm proud off you! I'll miss you!
Me: thanks fovvs! I will miss you ass well!

Brooklyn: go het them tiger! Rock your little sock off! Take care princess! I love you!
Me: thanks brook! No. 1 in coming!

Mikey: take care little sister! Call me when something is wrong! Love you sweet face!
Me: I will be allright mike! Call you everyday to check on you! Love you too!

Rye: I'm going to miss my best friend for a year! Make us proud little monkey! I believe in you! No. 1 hit song coming soon! I love sam! And don't come back before the end of the year!
Me: thanks for believing in me! It means a lot! Love you big brother! And I will see you in 365 days❤

It was time to leave.

At the airport we didn't have much time so I had to say good bye quick to my mom and dad! I gave them a big hug and told them I loved them!
Azka: I'm going to miss having my best friend around! You are not coming back untik you hit that no. 1!
Me: I'll promise! Love you little crazy bitch! See you soon!

And after that moment I turned around to blair and sonny and my eyes tarted to water up! One last turn around to wave and then I wont't be able to see them for a whole year! It's going to be hard! Bye england!

Thanks for reading this chapter! A little longer than the last one! Hope you liked it! See you soon!!
Xxx (1408 words)

my brothers hot best friend! (Roadtrip fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now