the new boy

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Alright so it was the next day and I was so done with school! Azka over slept so the first lesson I was alone... butt there was a new Guy in my class his name was Alec hes has blue eyes black hair and was around 6feet1 i guess. He had no choice and had to dit next to me because there was no other Free place to sit😂😂 I have to say he was pretty good looking! 'Hey I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam of you want!' I said to him. 'Uhm..hi I'm Alec but you can call me stil Alec of you want.' He said. 'Funny Guy huh!' I said with a straight face. 'Yeah you can call me that too tho!' Alec said. 'Alright I think we will be friend at the and of the day!' I said. 'Hah why would I?' He said with a smirk face. 'Alright cowboy calm down!' I said. 'Samantha loretta Beaumont do you want detention again?!' Mr shaw said. 'Well of there is cake, yes please!' I said. 'Big mouth young lady?' Mr shaw said. 'Yeah it's pretty big ya know I can put my whole fist in it perfectly!' I said. 'Well congratulations miss you'e got detention!' Mr shaw said. 'Well what ever bye Mother fuckers!' I said and went to the principale. 'Hey girl how you doing!' Miss west said! 'Hey ma'am I'm good how are you!' I said. 'Good I'm fine too honey! What ya doing here?!' Miss west said. 'Wel Mr shaw said there was free cake here so I said bye mofo and went straight to here tho!' I said. 'Girl I've got bad News and bas news!' She said. 'Hmm let me think I'll take the bad news first I guess!' I said. 'Well to not lose my job I have to give you detention girl.' Miss west said. 'Hah I really don't mind tho!' I said. 'And the other bad news is that I don't have cake...' she said with a sad face. 'Well the next time I'll bring the cake Alright!' I said. 'Deal girl only choclate cake tho!' Miss west said. 'I only like them dark!' Miss west said with a smirk on her face😏 'just like you!' I said. 'Girl you're lucky I like you because if I did not you were expeld tho!' Miss west said. 'I'm sorry ma'am but I had to say it!' 'See ya the next time byeee!' I said and went out the room. The Bell went and I had my next lesson math I like math tho it so easy. When I arrived in class Everyone was there already there was still no sign of azka that bitch and again I had to sit next to that fuck boy Alec. 'Are you always like that?' He asked. 'Only to Mr shaw tho I do really hate him.' I said. This lesson went really quick tho! And it was lunch break. 'Hi can I sit with you?' Alec asked. 'Yeah ofcourse but don't talk to me because I don't like you!' I said. 'Yes ma'am!' He said. Finally I saw azka walking in the room so I screamed "hi bitch I'm over here!' She laughed and came to my table. 'Hi sorry I'm late but I didn't want to go to school!' Azka said. 'Same here!' I said. 'Wait who are you?' Azka said to Alec. 'He I'm Alec I'm the funny new Guy you will fall in love with!' Alec said. 'Ieuw no way you prick!' Azka said. The break was over and We went to pe. 'You like him don't ya!' I said to Azka. 'hell no bish! he is to full of him self I hate it!' Azka said. 'no you don't you love when guys are like that hahaha!' I said 'than you don't know me that well!' Azka said serious. 'ooooh I know you beter than you know your self!' i said to Azka. 'Alright maybe I do like him but just a little bit tho' Azka said. 'Ha told ya! shit we have to go or else we will be late AGAIN!' I said running down the hallway.
*during the pe lesson* 

Alec: hi sam I really want to ask you something.
me: whatsup?
Alec: well I'm failing for Maths so I was wondering if you want to tutoring me after school?
Me: hahaha are you sure?
Alec: yeah but I don't want enyone to know yet because of my status ya know?
Me: hahaha alright but after every day I need to tutoring you I want a cake!
Alec: are you serious!
Me: 100% or else....
Alec: or else what?
Me: i don't know yet haha!
Alec: alright deal today after school?
Me:  yeah sure! 
Alec: aaah thank you so much!
Me: shit never mind! i've got detention! nah I'll skip that haha!
Alec: you sure? won't miss west be mad at you?
Me: miss west is like my sister dude she will never get mad at me!
Alec: hmmm alright see ya after school!
Me: see ya.
after the conversation I walked back to Azka.

Azka: why where you talking to Alec?
Me: calm your tits girl it's nothing like that!
*Alec walked past us and heard what i was saying and knew what i was about to say*
Alec: hey see ya after school babe *he winked at me*
Azka: wait what?! you two got a date?
Me: noho It's noting like that i need to tu..
Alec: She needs to teach me about something that no one else can know about!
Me: yeah that's what i was about to say?
Azka: ok uhm need to talk to you soon but I can't look at you right now!
*I knew I fucked up there! but I promised not to say something. I guess Azka really liked him.*

after school Alec and I walked to his home. 
*my Phone rang*
Me: hi brooky whatsup?
Brooklyn: nothing but I just wanted to hear your voice!
Me: hahah cutie
Brooklyn: but do you have plans after school?
Me: you know school is already over?
Brooklyn: yeah? i knew thaht?
Me: hahah loser!
Brooklyn: thanks babe!
Me: but no I'm not free 
Brooklyn: ah that's a bummer what are you going to do?
Me: tutoring some one new who is bad at math...
Brooklyn: alright good luck babe see ya soon!
Me: thanks brooky see ya soon! kisses

Alec: who was that?
Me: why? jealous?
Alec: maybe!
Me: haha that's cute! but keep walking!
Alec: yes miss grumpy!

*at Alec his house*
Alec: do you want something to drink babe?
Me: no thank you I just want to start so I can go home soon.
Alec: wel allright than...

After 2 hours we were finally done with everything. he asked me if I wanted something to drink and we went to the kitchen to get it. while we were in the kitchen he out of no where just turend aroud facing me. he got closer and I went backwards until I was angainst the wall, he came closer and closer. his hand was now on de wall behind me. his face was so close to my face. his mouth came closer to my ear. i felt his warm lips on my skin! at that moment I pushed him away maybe A little to hard but I didn't care!
Alec: what the fuck!
Me: idiot!
Alec: what I thought you wanted me too!?
Me: no never you're crazy!
Alec why did you go to my house then?
Me: because you asked me to teach you math!
Alec: you're so stupid! that means I want to have sex with you!
Me: why!
Alec: because you're well fit! and I thought you liked me too
Me: no way! you are to full off yourself I would never date a guy like you!
Alec: well you're even hotter when you're angry! come on babe let's go to my room an have a happy ending? don't you think that's a good idea?
Me: no way! maybe Azka would like to go ask her but forget about me!
Alec: no way she is not my type! come on just one blowjob!
Me: fuck off you dick head! go fuck your self!
Alec: fine I'm gonna jurk off on one of your instagram pictures babe!
Me: fuck you!

*i went home and told everything to azka*
Azka: what I thought you liked him?
Me: ieuw no way he is a dick!
Azka; a cute Dick tho!
Me: you crazy person!
Azka: hahha I know but you love me!
Me: yeah I do love you girl!
Azka well I'm going to bed because school tomorrow!
Me: same girl good night!
Azka: night!

*this day was crazy man I'm glad it's over soon!*

1399 words! hope you liked it! and i will see you the next time xx

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