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The silence dragged on as I avoided eye contact with Zayn. He tried talking to me a bunch of times but I remained silent. I was not going to talk to him until he apologised.

This wasn't even even about competing for my brother's love anymore. It was about him thinking he could impose his bullshīt "rules" on me but then do the same exact thing I was about to.

From the very beginning, he told me to avoid Harry. Given that Harry does have a rule and heart breaking streak in him, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. I've seen him at his weak points a few times; times where he's been more human around me.

And basically after banning me from seeing Harry, Zayn goes and dates the former's sister?

Like dude...

The car ride remained awkward and uneventful as I successfully managed to ignore any of his attempts—even going as far as breaking on of our pre-school rituals.

We always hug or kiss each other's foreheads before going into the building...something our parents instilled in our kindergarten days that it strengthen our sibling bond or whatever.

But I did stop in time to turn around and catch the regretful expression on his face as he stood there with his arms slightly raised from the hug I ignored.

A knot formed in my stomach. Maybe I should go back and hug him? But as I was about to turn around and walk back to my brother, a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"Hey beautiful." A raspy voice called out. Harry. He looked absolutely breathtaking with his small smirk as he leaned down to softly press a kiss to my lips.

Sighing contently, I gave in, my body going limp in his strong hold as my arms made their way behind his neck. I could practically feel everyone's eyes on us.

A crowd had formed around us—people trying not to be obvious as they stared curiously at us. I dismissed their gawking expressions by closing my eyes and focusing on what mattered.

"I missed you." He breathed, pulling away from the kiss and rubbing his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss.

"You saw me yesterday, bub." I laughed, unwrapping my arms from around him. He rolled his eyes, kissing my forehead.

"I miss you every moment that I'm not with you."

And just like that, my heart melted a little.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, love?" Harry's concerned voice bounced off the half empty hallway.

As we both had a free period, we obviously decided to spend it together. And I also had something in mind that I told him.

"Please baby? It would mean the world to me if you met my parents." I pleaded softly, reaching up to kiss the corners of mouth, purposely dodging his lips.

"Zara." He whined, puckering his swollen lips.

"Say yes." I giggled playfully. Harry groaned before muttering a small "fine" and pulling me to him once again.

Everything is so perfect now. All I need to do is get my family aboard.

"So mum..." I trailed off, leaning against the doorway of the laundry room as I watched my mother unload a large basket of dirty clothes.

"Yes honey?" She asked, dumping the items into the washing machine. I watched her pour the detergent onto a cup for a second before opening my mouth.

"Mum I want you and dad to meet my...boyfriend." Is he even my boyfriend though? And that ladies and gentlemen, is how my mother practically dumped an entire bottle of detergent into the washing machine.

She turned around with a crazed look in her eye and I knew that I was doomed. Mum had always been waiting for this very day...and the day when I showed up pregnant before 21, but this was just as exciting.

My mother, Lena, was a great and hardworking woman. She taught at a children's school as a part time job and handled a whole family all the time.

Her and dad's romance was also quite similar to mine. He was the town's golden boy and she was the new girl who'd moved recently. They became friends initially, only for it to develop into something so magnificent.

"Tell. Me. Everything." Mum squealed, much like an excited teenager waiting for me to gush my feelings out.

Today is going to be a long day.


"Honey." My mother cleared her throat during dinner, catching my dad's attention.

My dad, Zair, was a man in his forties. His dark, raven black hair which my brother and I both acquired, had gotten a few silver streaks in them as a result of carrying a family's burdens and managing a job all at the same time.

He was very charming and playful, but extremely scary when messed with. He was very protective of me to this date. He would set Zayn up to ward men off of me when he couldn't.

I then realised what this conversation would turn to and mentally prepared myself. I know for a fact my dad would freak. I don't know about Zayn since he wasn't talking to me—which I actually do understand now.

I was too childish for my own good and should've hugged him today when I had the chance. Curse Harry and his beautiful, rosy pink lips!

But God do I love them.

"Yes dear?" Dad smiled lovingly at my mum and I inwardly 'awwed'. They're so adorable. I wonder if Harry would want a family? Okay. Too soon Zara.

"Can you come home early on Saturday?" Mom requested, placing her hands on top of his.

Dad quirked a brow, an amused smile on his face. "Sure. What for darling?" He raises his glass to his mouth.

"To meet Zara's boyfriend, of course."

My dad choked on his water as Zayn almost spat out his mashed potatoes.


Both of their eyes narrowed down on me as I shrunk in my seat.

Well I'll be damned.

I updated omg

- perfectzjm xoxo

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