Chapter 1

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"Another day another day In high school which isn't fun for me because I get bullied by alexia Morgan everyday since she moved to our school. But isn't that bed when I have my best friend brad Simpson in my life.

"Me and brad been best friends since we were 3 and now we are 17 in our senior year of high school. And to be honest without Brad high school would suck for me but one thing about me and brad friendship. That will change it is that I like brad but he doesn't know and I'm not tell because it ruin our friendship.

"Now I'm in my room getting ready putting my books in my bag when I here something hitting my window
I move the blinds and I open my window and I see my best friend threwing Little Rock's on my window.

Hey Maddie Brad said with a smile
Hey Bradley I said with a grin
Haha yeah don't call me Bradley he said rolling his eyes
Yeah yeah whatever I said with smile
Okay now eat breakfast so we can leave and start our day together he saids
Okay I'm coming I said close my window.

"As I'm walking downstairs I see my oldest brother roman eating breakfast"

Hey baby sis my brother saids happily
Hey big brother I said with a smiling
So are you ready for another day of school he Asked.
You know how I hate school I said annoyed.
Yeah but you got brad so everything is good right? he asked
Right I said eating my breakfast.

"After a few minutes I finished my breakfast I grab my bag and said goodbye to my family and left where I meet Brad which the is by my house.

Well hello trouble maker Brad said with a smirk.
Hello rockstar I said with chuckle
Shut up don't call me that he saids rolling his eyes
And don't call me trouble maker I said
Yeah all right he saids hugging me.

"God I love his hugs"

I got you something he saids
Ohh yay what is it I asked already knowing what it is.
Your favorite Lolly pop he said while he pulls out my favorite flavor lolly pop cotton candy.

"Yay I said with a chuckle and grabbed it out of his hands and took the wrapper off and put it in my mouth.

You are the best friend ever I said.."
Maddie I'm your only best friend and the only guy in your life he Said.." while he puts his arm my shoulder.

"That's not true your not the only guy In my life I said lying.
Really okay have you ever kissed a guy or had a boyfriend he asked.
No I said disappointed.
See I'm the only guy in your life he says.
Besides you're the only girl in my life since my last girlfriend doesn't like me anyway but I got you and that's all
It matters he saids and kissed my head.

"Which makes me blush"

Really I'm the only girl In your life I asked
Yup he said popping the p
Well I guess we just some lonely people I said with a chuckle
Yeah guess we are but we got each other he said with a smile.


"Once we got to school we want our different ways so we can go to our lockers.

"As I'm in my locker someone tap my shoulder I turn around and I see
My bully standing right in front In me"

Hey Maddie she said sassy tone
Hey alexia I said nervously
You know something Maddie you actually look okay today but let me help look awful she said and push me against the locker and knock my stuff down then she walked away laughing.

"I sigh and got my stuff then I see a finger bending down helping
I look up and I see brad helping me"

Let me guess alexia he asked with sorry eyes.
I nod my head yes trying to hold my tears.
Aw is okay Maddie we get thorough this together I promise he saids wrapping his arm around my shoulder starting walking to class.


Once it turn lunch time I went outside and sit by my tree not really bothering eating because I had a big breakfast
As I'm sitting down I grab my bag and take out my computer and my headphones and my song writing book and started making music and writing.

As I'm mixing music together Someone took my headphones off
I turn my head and I see brad sitting next to me with his lunch on his lap.

"Hey I Said with a smile
Hey Mads he said eating his lunch
Why you not eating in cafeteria I asked confused
Well my best friend is sitting outside by herself I decided I will join her he saids
Oh I muttered
So what are you doing with your computer he asked
Producing your music I said with a grin.

You mean our music he said happily
Yes brad our music I said happy
Just picture it me. in a studio In LA making music writing singing together just me and you he said proudly.
Aw I love it Bradley I said happily
And guess what Maddie he said
What I asked
We have a few months and we be graduating together he said excitedly."

"God he so cute"

Yeah then we will move out of Birmingham to LA then we get a apartment together and we will start a life together and be the bested friends ever I said happily
Yeah then we pay bills together and be
Adults together he said proudly.

"We have the best friendship ever i said
Hell yeah!! We do he said with a chuckle. I chuckle back with him.

The school bell ring

I sigh well another couple hours of school I said annoyed
Yeah but it will be okay we get through this together he saids and kiss my forehead
Yeah I said and hugged him.

"We stand up and walk back in school and want to our classes.


"School finally finished I said happily leaving the school with brad
Yes finally now I got you something he saids pulling out another cotton candy flavor lolly pop out of his pocket.

"I smile and grab the lolly pop and put it in my mouth and hugged him"

Thank you Bradley I said
You welcome Mads he saids.


Well we home he saids sighing
Yeah we are I said sighing also
Well I see you soon probably at your window he said with chuckle
And I be waiting I said happily
Talk soon okay love you he said kissing my forehead
Love you too Brad I said and hugged him.

"Then we went to our houses and I walk in my house wishing when he said he love me he actually mean it.

I want in the kitchen to get some water and notice a note from my parents and saids

Work late tonight and roman is out with his girlfriend but there's money on the counter so you can order pizza
Love you so much
Mom and dad (-:

"I sigh wishing my parents wasn't so much and my brother didn't give his girlfriend a lot of attention I wish had my family around more but oh well I guess is life.

"I want to my room and got out of my clothes into gym shorts and a hoodie
Then I want to my computer and DJ set that I have on my desk and started making music"
I hope you guys love it is the first chapter so now judge don't forget to vote and comment and follow my girls golden__arrows RileyBibbySimpson623 BradSimpsonLoverxoxo
And read this amazing book that I'm obsessed with is a new hope club book so read it Jaudrey4Life ❤️❤️

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