Chapter 10

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~The next day~
Every since me and brad got along again I have been happier like no other, which got me thinking that maybe I'm better when I'm am with brad maybe Brad is my happiness, but I can't say that because I know brad doesn't see me in that way or maybe he does and not telling me because he's afraid like me, but then again if he liked me he wouldn't be with someone else so he probably doesn't like me.

"After I finished breakfast by myself again, I walked out of the house and locked the door, then walk towards brad that's standing by my house holding my favorite lolly pop"

"Well hello Madison" Brad saids in a sly voice.

"Hello Bradley" I say in a silly voice also.

"Brad chuckles and hand me my lolly pop that I love so much, then he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we started walking to school, me and brad walked in silence but isn't awkward it was nice silence"

"Maddie?" Brad spoke breaking the silence.

"Yeah" I say.

"When we move to LA and start our career together, do you ever think that I don't know but maybe we almost fall in love with each other" Brad says.

"What the hell is he on about"

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I mean what happens you fall in love with me and I didn't feel the same towards you and you hate me for it what happeneds" Brad asked shouting a bit.

"I don't know maybe still be friends if that what you want" I say confused.

"What the hell is this coming from brad" i asked.

"It came from ale... it doesn't matter but what happened" Brad asked.

"I don't know brad but I don't want to think about it but what are you thinking about it" i asked.

"Because I'm afraid that will happen"
Brad spoke softly.

"Well let's not worry about it right now okay please" I begged.

"Okay I'm sorry I shout" Brad apologizes.

"Is okay Bradley I forgive you again" I say whispering the last part.

"Brad smiles then we walk again"

Me and brad reach school, then we both went our serpent aways. I walked to my locker getting everything I needed, once I'm doing that I can't help but think what brad was talking about earlier. I mean would it be bad if I told him I love him when we in LA I just don't understand at all, my thinking quickly went away when I been shaved towards the lockers.

"Oops sorry" alexia says sarcastically then walks off laughing.

"I bend down and pick up my stuff, after I'm finished picking up my stuff someone grab my arms and pull me up, I look up and I see is Tristan helping me up"

"Hey Tristan" I say with a small smile.

"Hey Mads you okay?" He asked in systematic.

"Yeah is nothing that hadn't happen before" I say with a frown.

"Hey is okay here let me walk you to class" Tristan saids as he grab my books.

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