Chapter 1

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"Get away from me! Just leave me alone! Please-please stop hurting me!" I scream at him. I sob as I try to push myself further into the wall just to get away from him. I hate him. All I want is for him to stop hurting me. I want to be loved. Just for one second, one minute I want to be loved.

All he does is continue kicking and punching me. He never stops. He won't ever stop. He will just stay there, doing everything in his power to break me.

"Leave! Get out of my house! And take those worthless little brats with you!" I barely make out in the distance, it must be my mom yelling at my brother again.

"Fine! Maybe I will this time!" I hear my brother, Luke, scream back. I want to feel happy, but I can't. All I feel is heartache. All I feel is pain. And all I see is black.

"Skylar! Skylar! Wake up love! It was just a dream." I hear my brothers sing-song voice. I immediately attached myself to him, sobbing into his shirt.

"Hey. Hey. Shhhh. It's okay. You're okay. Dad's not here. Dad's Is not going to hurt you. You're okay." Luke says softly, into my dark ginger hair, just as his voice starts to crack. He hates our father, to Luke he is a disappointment. He is a disappointment.

"Do you want to come sleep with me?" Luke asks gently. All I can do is nod, as I am still sobbing. Luke carriers me to his pull out bed in the living room, and by the time we get there all I can see is darkness.


"Sky! Sky! Wake up! Wake up." I hear two tiny voices just as one falls onto my ribcage. I double over in pain with a grunt, followed repeated apologies that aren't even being pronounced right.

"Well goodmorning to you too." I say, my voice laced with sarcasm, which caused two small whimpers from the other side of the bed.

"Come on guys let's go get something to eat, yeah?" I ask while grabbing the two smaller childrens hands and lead them to the corner table for breakfast. I grab them each a Pop-Tart with a banana to eat while asking them if they know where Luke is.

Oliver shrugged while Fiona actually answered, "He told us to wake you up and that he was gonna go to the store." she says with her mouth full of chocolate Pop-Tart, which I let out a small laugh.

I was signing to the twins just as Luke enters the apartment, by kicking the door open, with his arms full of bags. I get up to go help him put groceries away while the kids go and play in the bedroom.

"Are there any more bags in the car?" I ask him as we work on putting them away. He replies by shaking his head and emptying the last bag.

You may be wondering why we left our parents. Well our dad abused us for years, and to our mom, we were all mistakes and she never wanted us. Luke eventually had enough and took us to live in a run down one-bedroom apartment. It may be small, especially for four kids, but at least we can finally live a happy life. Or as happy as it can get.

Luke never went to college after he graduated high school last year. He stayed here to take care of the twins and I. Also we never had the money anyway.

My family may be small and broken but it is still good. And I love it.


Hey guys! I know a new book! I know that this chapter is really short but the others will be longer and way more interesting. Please help me out by commenting, sharing, and voting! It all means so much to me! Thank you guys so much!

Love ya!


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