Chapter 2- The Boys

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August Leo on the top.

"Skylar, love bug, you have to get up for school. Come on bug." Luke gently shakes me awake to go to school. Except I don't want to go. Everyone bullies me. To everyone else I am just that over dramatic kid that doesn't eat. But they don't even know the half of it.

"Lukeyy! I don't feel very good" I whine to my older brother while clutching my stomach. Normally he doesn't bye my act. But maybe he will let me stay home. Just for one day.

"*sigh* I know you don't want to go to school because of the bullies but staying home is not going to help. Come on love bug, it is time to start getting ready for school." Luke gives the same lecture that he told me last week when I tried the same trick. He pulls me up so that I am sitting up and facing him.

"Why though, I mean all the other kids hate me and the teachers too! Just because i'm probably smarter than them doesn't mean i'm a bad kid!" I babble to him. But to be fair I am probably smarter than 95% of the school, teachers included. Everybody hates our family. And it's all because of our parents.

"Look I know that the people who gave up on us ruined everything for us, especially you. But when it comes to school, you need to go.

I want you to prove everyone else wrong, and show them that you are better than them, in so many ways.

But most importantly I want you to show our parents that we were worth it and that we are so much stronger than them. Can you do that for me?" Luke asks me gently. I really do want him to be proud of m, but at the same time I really just want to be happy.

I nodd and get up to start getting ready as he goes and starts breakfast. I wash my face and my hair in the sink since I know for a fact that there would be like no hot water left if I jumped in the shower. I then finish in the bathroom and quietly sneak into the bedroom to grab something to wear. Which ends up being ripped jeans and an old Nirvana shirt and my too small sneakers.

I took a seat on top of the counter watching Luke fail miserably at trying to cook scrambled eggs, and I start to brush out my ginger hair. I start to laugh hysterically as Luke drops the spatula on his foot and starts to whine like a baby.

"Hey what's so funny!" Luke pouts as I just laugh even harder than I thought humanly possible.

"You!" I wipe a tear and try to conceal my fit of giggles. He replies by glaring at me and then rolling his eyes.

"Heres your scrambled eggs" He grumbles to me and hands me a plate that basically looks blacker than midnight itself. I throw the contents of the plate away and grab a banana and a couple granola bars while walking to the table still giggling.

Some time later we all pile into the run down car that looks like it literally just came out of the dump and head off to hell, I mean school. No I think I mean hell. Luke drops me off first and then takes the twins to their school.

I walk up and push open the heavy doors and start walking to my locker. I get there and after about five minutes of trying to get my devil locker open I finally get it and start to put my books away, and then someone slams my locker shut. Just great, dipshiits. *Note Sarcasm*.

I look up to see two of the biggest jerks in school, the leader, August Leo, and his little puppy dog (not actually a dog*) Preston William. I don't know why but they seriously hate me.

I roll my eyes and walk right past them. I really don't want to have to deal with their shit this early in the morning.

"Oh so the princess thinks that she can just walk away from us now?" August state's, more like a question, as he jumps in front of me and pushes me back into the locker. His 6'1 build towers over my 5'3 frame.

I glare right back up to him as he smirks down at me. I really want to slap that devil smirk off his face, so I do. Kinda. I hear him groan out in pain right after I kick him where the sun don't shine. I'm surprised that he is actually hurt though, I mean there can't be that much there if you know what I mean.

I start to run in the opposite direction, but to my luck Preston throws me over his shoulder and starts to walk away. I start to punch and kick him but it's no use, he is to strong.

From what I can see, which is not much, it looks like we are in the science wing. He keeps on walking. And then after what seems like frickin forever! He finally sets me down onto a lab table in a, what looks like, an empty biology room.

"What the hell was all of this for! All I did was try to get away from to guys who aren't even my friends!" I shout at preston before he even has a chance to open his mouth. I really just want to go through my day and then go home.

"Well after YOU decided to kick my friend in the d*ck, I decided to take matters into my own hands" He replies back, putting emphasis on the 'you'.

"Well if YOU guys never even bothered me then I wouldn't of kicked him!" I shout back, using his own words against him.

"Guys. Guys. Stop bitch fighting. I can hear you two from the hallway." August comes in with his same demon's smirk plastered on his face. I guess this kid didn't learn his lesson the first time.

"What do you guys even want with me!" I crie out, burying my head into my shaky hands. I just want to go home.

"What we want with you? Oh what do we want?" August says in a deep voice, while getting down on my level and really close to my face. I could just feel his presence.

He moves my hands away from my face and stares right to my soul. I could feel my green eyes go insanely wide. Honestly I was terrified.

"Hey Ms.Hantor I was wondering if you could look over my paper....." an unknown voice walks into our classroom just as August's grip seems to get tighter.

"What are you guys doing to her!" The unknown guys booms. He seems to be much older than us sophomores, maybe a senior. August immediately lets go and steps back after hearing his voice.

"N-nothing. We were just t-talking to her" August tries to defend themselves but soon enough gets cut off by mister senior dude.

"Do not talk to her. Or even look at her if you know what's good for you! Now I suggest that you both get to class before I start to actually do some damage." The mystery guy barks at them and the two boys scurried out of the room.

"Come on sweetheart let's get you out of here." He says to me gently while offering me his hand. All I can do is nod as he leads me out of the school.

"My name is Kyle by the way" Kyle tells me as we start to walk on a random path away from school. I already like him. He seems like a nice person.

"I'm Skylar" I replied looking up at him. "And thanks for um, well, saving me, I guess" I continue stuttering.

"Anytime. And if they, or anyone else, messes with you again, I will beat their asses for you. Okay?" He asks me. I am glad he came to my rescue today though. "Okay." I state back.

We soon stop walking and I look up and I see a barn a little ways from the main roads and I can hear music. Signing even.

Why did he bring me here?


Hey guys!!! I really hope that you all like the chapter and please vote-comment-share and all of that ish. I love you guys so much! Thank You!!!!!

Love ya,


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