Chapter 6-Questions

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And that my friends is how I find myself sitting in a tree, drawing, without any problems.

That is, until I see Preston and August walking my way. They are walking towards my tree. I wouldn't be surprised if Preston got suspend too, but why is August with him. Like I get they are best friends and all, but I swear they do too much together.

"And this is the tree?" I hear August question Preston as he also points towards my tree.

"I swear it is dude. It looks just like that little brat's, stupid drawing she made." Preston retorts. OK now I am listening.

"Well I don't see no girl in there, sooooooo." August bickers back, obviously annoyed. "And besides you ripped up the drawing anyway, so how would you know. Also she probably went home, why would she be in a tree of all places." He continus. And for once I agree with him.

"I don't know maybe the tree is her home. No one loves her remember. I wouldn't be surprised if she was left there as a kid, she has nothing anyway." Preston explains while laughing. People do love me!

"I guess you're right dude, I don't even know why anyone wanted her anyway." August rolls his eyes back.

"That's it! You guys think I am some good for nothing orphan! People do love me! And guess what, I am tired of you guys thinking that just because I don't have much, that means I have nothing! Just because your guy's lives are lost causes, doesn't mean mine is!" I finally snap at them as I climb down from my hiding spot.

Wow that was the first time I actually felt good about myself. I guess I have Kyle to thank for that. And besides I am not that shy, just scared. But when nimrods like them start talking crap, I am going to put them in their place.

And just as I finish my little rant, August's brown eyes darken, if that's even humanly possible. I start to walk away from them, when I am pulled back by August. But this time was different. It wasn't like when he pushed me, or when Preston picked me up, this time it was different.

It wasn't mean, or hate filled. This time it was different.

August was different.

August spinned me around so that I was facing him and we were staring right into each other's eyes. Except, his eyes held something in them that I have never seen before. Was he scared? Sad? No. I don't even know how to explain it.

I can't explain it.

His eyes were different.

Eventually he let go of my arm and pushed past me and walked away without another word. And Preston being the puppy dog he is, he followed him. And I was once again all alone.

But I can't stop thinking, why was August so weird?

Why was August different?


"Skylar Bay get your little ass out here right now!" Luke booms, scaring the kids and also shaking the whole apartment complex in the process. I'm in deep shiit.

"Y-yes Lukey?" I try using the most innocent voice I could while poking my head around the corner and batting my eyelashes.

"Don't 'Lukey' me. Why did I get a call from the school saying that you are suspended from school for fighting?" My brother raises an eyebrow in my direction.

"*Sigh* Well, so you see, I may have, sorta punched-a-kid-in-the-face." I say the last part really fast hoping that it will get me out of trouble. Which it doesn't.

"And why did you punch him? You know that that's not how you solve problems." He questions me once more.

"Well he was picking on me! So I shut him up!" I whined back while also coming all the way around the corner.

"Look, you can't solve problems by punching people. Next time try using that head of yours, you've got a good one." He tells me while walking into the kitchen. "Now I want you to apologize to this kid when you return to school on friday. And until then you are going to help out Mr. Richard at THE BARN during the day. Understood?" He continued to tell me in which I just nod.

But of course there is no way in hell that I will be apologizing to Preston. I don't really care that I probably broke his nose, he deserved it. And besides he started it. I just finished it.

"OK good. Now come help me with dinner bug." he tells me at witch I obviously do, as he can not even cook water without burning it.


"Why was bubba mad at you earlier?" My little sister, Fin asks me as we are laying in bed.

"He wasn't mad at me, just disappointed that I did not solve a problem the correct way. Luke is never mad at us." I tell her. Even if something doesn't concern them, I am still going to give them an answer, they always deserve an answer.

"But he was shouting, and he was scway." Fiona explains.

"I know sweetheart, but everyone gets like that sometimes. And did you see that he stopped right away." I tell her while turning to look at her.

"Yeah, but mommy and daddy shouted all the time. Is Lukey going to be like them and shout all da time?" She asks me the most heart wrenching question.

"Luke will never be like them, they were monsters. Luke just get disappointed sometimes, they were mad. Now no more questions, It is time to go to sleep little one." I tell her the most honest answer I can.

"Oh OK. Goodnight sissy." She says to me before dozing off. "Goodnight." I say after her.

But, was she right. Will Luke be like them? No. Luke will never turn into them. Never.

It's just that I have so many questions. So many questions that will never get answers too. Why was August like that? Why did his eyes, not have hate in them? I can't explain it, but they did not have hate in them.

Why does Fiona think that Luke will be like them? Why did I think that Luke was going to be like them?

At this point I have tears in my eyes.

I am crying for my two little siblings. I am crying for my older brother. I am crying for today.

I am crying for August.


Hey guys!!!! Thank you so much for reading. This was a little bit different and to be honest it was kinda hard to write, I'm not sure why.

So what do you guys think of August??????

Tell me what you think in the comment section. And don't forget to Vote-Comment-Share! And thank you so much for reading!!!

Oh and if you like this book then you should check out my other one, "I Am Ryder" Thank you guys soooo much!!!

Can we get this chapter 5 votes and 3 comments please!!! 10 votes and I will update another chapter in 2ish days!!!!! 

Luv Ya,

Luv Ya,-Stephany

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