Trees, Drawings, And Pain

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I woke up to the beautiful sunlight shining into the small bedroom that I share with my two little siblings. For once I am truly happy to wake up, even though I know that I am still going to get pushed around. It just feels like I am meant to be here for something. For something, but was is that something.

Even though it is back to monday, I still kind of want to go to school. I know crazy right, a 15 year old kid actually wanting to go to school.

The weekend was pretty boring, I don't have a show till tomorrow. Kyle's dad, Richard, gave me, Tuesday,Thursday, and Friday shows.

I crawl of of the queen sized bed, careful not to wake up the twins. They don't have school till 8:45, lucky. I then jump into the ice cold shower and quickly wash my hair and do all those shower type things.

"Hey, nice signing sis." Luke smirks and messes up my hair as I exit the bathroom. My cheeks heat up with embarrassment, I didn't actually think he could hear me!

I quick change into a black, oversized, sweater that I found in the room, and then pair it with light grey leggings. Not in the mood to do my hair so I throw it into a ponytail and then leave the two smaller children to sleep.

As I then enter the kitchen, I hear Luke whisper yelling profanities to the burnt whatever that he was trying to cook. Not even daring to eat what he failed to cook, I grab a banana to eat for breakfast.

"Hey Luke, could I, maybe walk to school today? You know since I have time and all." I ask my older brother, while lacing up my raggedy old sneakers, not before applying some duct tape to the soles.

"Do you really want to walk 20 minutes?" Luke raises an eyebrow in my direction. I know that it is a 20ish minute walk and all, but why not right.

"Well I mean it looks pretty nice, and I really don't want to wake the twins. And like I said I have the time! And we also can not forget that I have to walk home anyway." I explain my thinking while batting my eyelashes to him.

"Be careful." He sighs. I leap up to give him a quick hug before bolting of the door to our apartment. "I mean it!" He calls out after me as I shout a thanks over my shoulder. Luke hates it when I walk to school in the morning, but I guess today is an exception.

Normally I love hearing the weird noises coming from Luke's beat up Jaguar XJ6 (Note sarcasm). But today I need to make a special stop.

Ever since Luke and I were little, he would take me to this old dead tree, down the road. No one gave it any attention, except the ravens. He called it the raven tree, and he called me the raven.

Any chance we got we would come here and just be kids. I guess after the twins were born, we stopped coming here.

I thought I would pay this place a special visit after I found my old bracelet made from twisted bark that he made for me out of this tree. He always told me that it was made with hope and courage, just like us.

This tree was huge, it had huge thick branches coming down like benches that me and Luke would just sit on and talk for hours. It was pushed back from the road a bit and for all we knew we were the only people who knew about it.

It was the perfect tree to climb to the top to just sit and think, so that's what I did. I thought about the barn. About Kyle. Even about August and Preston. Why did they have to bully me.

I get I am an outcast, with no friends. Well except Kyle, of corse. But still! My life sucks enough all ready, without August.

Realizing that I should probably start walking to school, I climb down from the only place that I could truly call home for so long and start walking to IronDale High. Hopefully this day will go bye fast.


After the 20 minute walk down the old gravel path that has not been touched in over 50 years, I finally arrive to school. I walk up to the giant glass doors and enter through them and then push my way to my locker to put away some of my books.

Lucky for me, I was able to avoid the two biggest jerks in school, for now at least, Preston is in my first hour. Keeping my hooded head down, I walk to my first hour, math, as I hear the minute bell ring through my ears.

"You're Late!" I hear the 90 year old witch lady call out to me as I enter her classroom. The thing about her is, she always tries to make up excuses to get me in trouble. Why I don't know. But it's whatever.

"No I aint." I state matter of factly to her as I sit in my desk just as the final bell rings. Instead of responding she just crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me, knowing I'm right.

Ms. Jacobson (90 year old witch lady) always starts mondays with a quiz and then grades them right away. She passes them out without a word and we all start. The thing about her quizzes, are they are only like 10ish questions.

Me being the smartest kid in the class, I finish early. And as I am walking up to her desk all she does is glare at me.

She used to always say my work was wrong, but one time she was glaring at me and she wrote an 'F' on my paper, but then the assistant principal was standing in the doorway and told her off, so she stopped doing that.

She snaches my paper out of my hands and looks it over. With a hmpt and another glare down, she hands me back my perfect paper. All I do is smirk at her and head back to my desk.

Knowing that this is all we will be doing for class today, I get out a piece of paper and start drawing.

For a while all it is is lines on paper, but then I decide to draw the tree. My tree. I drew the branches. The ravens. The nonsense that Luke and I would carve into it. I even drew two little kids. But they weren't us. They were Oliver and Fiona, they would of loved that tree just as much as we did. I know they would.

Just as I finish my drawing, I feel a presence towering over me. Already knowing who it is, I pick my head up slowly. And just like that, my little drawing is being violently taken from me by him.

"Awww look at that she thinks she can draw." Preston shouts out to the class as they all begin to laugh their heads off.

"Hey give it back!" I yell back to him as he holds it over my head. The evil witch must of left, or she would of sent me to the office by now.

"Nah. Maybe if it was a good drawing I would *rip*. But it is garbage *rip*. Just *rip* like *rip* you *rip*" he spits as he rips my drawing into a million different pieces. And all the class does is continue to laugh at me.

"What The Hell!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I punch him as hard as I can in the nose. Luke taught me how to do that. And with that he falls back onto a desk while clutching his nose.

Honestly I think I might've broken his nose, crimson blood is leaking out through his hands and from my angle, it looks crooked.

Suddenly I am being pulled back through the halls by the back of my shirt.

"I was gone for two minutes, getting copies. And you manage to get into a fight." My teacher hisses into my ear as she pushes me into the office.


After explaining the whole situation to the principle, she lets me leave with with three days of out of school suspension.

And that my friends is how I find myself sitting in a tree drawing. Without any problems.

AUTHORS NOTE                                                                                                                                                                     Hey guys! I hope that you guys like this chapter. And thank you guys so much for your time and reading this book! I love you guys so much. Please remember to vote-comment-share and all that ish. 

Luv Ya,                                                                                                                                                                                         -Stephany 

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