unedited prologue (Thirdpov)

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(Draft version)
Virgil was born different, and not in a good way, born into a family of Super-Villains, he never knew what it was like to be good or even loved, all he did when he was little was train to be just like his parents who didn't care what he wanted or thought about it. He had no clue on how to be a good guy, or even nice. He wasn't greedy or a brat, he was shy and a pushover at 'home' ( Which never felt like home ).

" Anxiety! Time to do your job" His mom yelled, they never used his real name and his 'job' was being the bad guy, but most important part was kidnapping someone named 'Thomas Sanders' who had all of the powers that the 'good guys' had,
why Virgil's parents needed Thomas was unknown to him.

" ANXIETY WE WILL NOT CALL YOU AGAIN " His dad roared making him jump from his bed and run down the stairs, he had on his normal clothes, which did not make his Dad happy.

" You have one F*cking job " He sneered

" Sorry Father, " He whispered looking at the floor

" Just go get ready " he sighed " Now! "

Virgil walked back up the stair of the house, the walls of it was painted white and no personal items could be found in the house. Once Virgil put on his costume, his parents filled him in on everything he was supposed to do... and only if he stuck to the plan.

A/N: Your thoughts on the prologue? I kinda made this whole prologue while in the doctor office waiting for my brother.

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